Ability to Speak English and Linguistic Isolation
Respondents Ability to Speak EnglishRespondents who reported speaking a language other than English were asked to indicate their English-speaking ability based on one of the following categories: "Very well", "Well", "Not well", or "Not at all." Respondents were not instructed on how to interpret the response categories in Question 14c.
Household Linguistic Isolation
A linguistically isolated household was one in which all adults had some limitation in communicating English. A household was classified as "linguistically isolated" if, (1) No household member age 14 years and over spoke only English, and (2) No household member age 14 years and over who spoke another language spoke English "Very well". All members of a linguistically isolated household were tabulated as linguistically isolated, including members under 14 years old who may have spoken only English.
Government agencies use information on language spoken at home for their programs that serve the needs of the foreign-born and specifically those who have difficulty with English. Under the Voting Rights Act, language is needed to meet statutory requirements for making voting materials available in minority languages. The Census Bureau is directed, using data about language spoken at home and the ability to speak English, to identify minority groups that speak a language other than English and to assess their English-speaking ability. The U.S. Department of Education uses these data to prepare a report to Congress on the social and economic status of children served by different local school districts.
Government agencies use information on language spoken at home for their programs that serve the needs of the foreign-born and specifically those who have difficulty with English. Under the Voting Rights Act, language is needed to meet statutory requirements for making voting materials available in minority languages. The Census Bureau is directed, using data about language spoken at home and the ability to speak English, to identify minority groups that speak a language other than English and to assess their English-speaking ability. The U.S. Department of Education uses these data to prepare a report to Congress on the social and economic status of children served by different local school districts. State and local agencies concerned with aging develop health care and other services tailored to the language and cultural diversity of the elderly under the Older Americans Act.
The English Language Ability question has been the same since the beginning of ACS.
Ideally, the data on ability to speak English represented a person's perception of their own English-speaking ability. However, because one household member usually completes American Community Survey questionnaires, the responses may have represented the perception of another household member.
All years of ACS language data are comparable to each other. They are also comparable to Census data from 1980, 1990 and 2000.