Data Source: |
Social Explorer & U.S. Census Bureau |
Table: |
T116A. Gross Rent (Housing Units With Cash Rent) - Cumulative (Less) [14] |
Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units with cash rent
Table Details
T116A. |
Gross Rent (Housing Units With Cash Rent) - Cumulative (Less) |
Universe: Specified renter-occupied housing units with cash rent
T116A001 |
T116A002 |
T116A003 |
T116A004 |
T116A005 |
T116A006 |
T116A007 |
T116A008 |
T116A009 |
T116A010 |
T116A011 |
T116A012 |
T116A013 |
T116A014 |