Allocations: Farm residence |
Allocations: Nativity |
Allocations: Nativity of parents (15%) |
Allocations: Year moved in (15%) |
Allocations: Children ever born (females 15-44 years old) |
Allocations: Disability (persons 16-64 years old, not inmates, and not attending school) (5%) |
Allocations: Highest grade completed (persons 25 years old and over) |
Allocations: Vocational training (persons 16-64 years old and <3 years college) (5%) |
Allocations: Level of school enrolled in (persons 3-34 years old) (15%) |
Allocations: In labor force (14 years old and over) |
Allocations: Not in labor force (14 years old and over) |
Allocations: Major occupation group (employed persons 16 years old and over) |
Allocations: Class of worker (persons 16 years old and over) |
Allocations: Weeks worked (persons 16 years old and over) |
Allocations: Count of persons with one or more allocation flags |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Total family income (if any family member had any income type allocated) |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Wage and salary |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Nonfarm, self-employed |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Farm, self-employed |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Social Security or Railroad Retirement |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): Public assistance or welfare payments |
Allocations: Family income (Persons 14 years old and over. A tally is made only once per family.): All other income |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): Wage and salary |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): Nonfarm, self-employed |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): Farm, self-employed |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): Social Security or Railroad Retirement |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): Public assistance or welfare payments |
Allocations: Unrelated individual income (persons 14 years old and over): All other income |
Allocations: Person's income (persons 14 years old and over): Male |
Allocations: Person's income (persons 14 years old and over): Female |