Data Dictionary: | Census 2000 |
Data Source: | U.S. Census Bureau |
PCT8. | NHPI Alone With One NHPI Category For Selected Groups |
Universe: Total Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories tallied for people with one Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category only and people with no specific Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category reported | |
PCT008001Total Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories tallied for people with one Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category only and people with no specific Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander category reported
PCT008007 Micronesian
Aggregation method:
Excerpt from: | Social Explorer, U.S. Census Bureau; 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Summary File 1: Technical Documentation, 2001. |
Summary File 1 Technical Documentation -> Appendix B. Definitons of Subject Characteristics -> Population Characteristics -> Race -> Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |