The income data collected in the 1970, 1980, and 1990 censuses are similar to Census 2000 data, but there are variations in the detail of the questions. In 1990, income information for 1989 was collected from people in approximately 17 percent of all housing units and group quarters. Each person 15 years old and over was required to report:
- Wage or salary income
- Net nonfarm self-employment income
- Net farm self-employment income
- Interest, dividend, or net rental or royalty income
- Social security or railroad retirement income
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC), or other
- public assistance income
- Retirement, survivor, or disability income
- Income from all other sources
Since the number of respondents reporting farm self-employment income has become smaller over the years, the farm and nonfarm self-employment items were combined into one item for Census 2000. Data users are still able to obtain an estimate of "farm self-employment" income by looking at net self-employment income in combination with other labor force related questions such as "occupation of longest job." Supplemental Security Income (SSI) was asked separately from other public assistance income or welfare received from a state or local welfare office in Census 2000.
Between the 1990 census and Census 2000, there were minor differences in the processing of the data. In both censuses, all people with missing values in one or more of the detailed type of income items were designated as allocated. Each missing entry was imputed either as a "no" or as a dollar amount. If total income was reported and one or more of the type of income fields was not answered, then the entry in total income generally was assigned to one of the income types according to the socioeconomic characteristics of the income recipient. This person was designated as unallocated.
In 2000 and 1990, all nonrespondents with income not reported (whether householders or other people) were assigned the reported income of people with similar characteristics. (For more information on imputation, see "Accuracy of the Data.")
In 1980, income information for 1979 was collected from people in approximately 19 percent of all housing units and group quarters. Each person 15 years old and over was required to report:
- Wage or salary income
- Net nonfarm self-employment income
- Net farm self-employment income
- Interest, dividend, or net rental or royalty income
- Social security or railroad retirement income
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC), or other public assistance income
- Income from all other sources
There was a difference in the method of computer derivation of aggregate income from individual amounts. In the 1980 census, income amounts less than $100,000 were coded in tens of dollars, and amounts of $100,000 or more were coded in thousands of dollars; $5 was added to each amount coded in tens of dollars and $500 to each amount coded in thousands of dollars. Entries of $999,000 or more were treated as $999,500 and losses of $9,999 or more were treated as minus $9,999. In the 1990 and 2000 censuses, income amounts less than $999,999 were keyed to the nearest dollar. Amounts of $999,999 or more were treated as $999,999 and losses of $9,999 or more were treated as minus $9,999 in all of the computer derivations of aggregate income.
In 1970, information on income in 1969 was obtained from all members in every fifth housing unit 14 years old and over and small group quarters (less than 15 people) and every fifth person in all other group quarters. Each person 14 years old and over was required to report:
- Wage or salary income
- Net nonfarm self-employment income
- Net farm self-employment income
- Social security or railroad retirement income
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC), or other public assistance income
- Income from all other sources
If a person reported a dollar amount in wage or salary, net nonfarm self-employment income, or net farm self-employment income, the person was considered as unallocated only if no further dollar amounts were imputed for any additional missing entries.
In 1960, data on income were obtained from all members 14 years old and over in every fourth housing unit and from every fourth person 14 years old and over living in group quarters. Each person was required to report wage or salary income, net self-employment income, and income other than earnings received in 1959. An assumption was made in the editing process that no other type of income was received by a person who reported the receipt of either wage and salary income or self-employment but who had failed to report the receipt of other money income.
For several reasons, the income data shown in census tabulations are not directly comparable with those that may be obtained from statistical summaries of income tax returns. Income, as defined for federal tax purposes, differs somewhat from the Census Bureau concept. Moreover, the coverage of income tax statistics is different because of the exemptions of people having small amounts of income and the inclusion of net capital gains in tax returns. Furthermore, members of some families file separate returns and others file joint returns; consequently, the income reporting unit is not consistently either a family or a person.
The earnings data shown in census tabulations are not directly comparable with earnings records of the Social Security Administration. The earnings record data for 1999 excluded the earnings of some civilian government employees, some employees of nonprofit organizations, workers covered by the Railroad Retirement Act, and people not covered by the program because of insufficient earnings. Because census data are obtained from household questionnaires, they may differ from Social Security Administration earnings record data, which are based upon employers reports and the federal income tax returns of self-employed people.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the Department of Commerce publishes annual data on aggregate and per-capita personal income received by the population for states, metropolitan areas, and selected counties. Aggregate income estimates based on the income statistics shown in census products usually would be less than those shown in the BEA income series for several reasons. The Census Bureau data are obtained directly from households; whereas, the BEA income series is estimated largely on the basis of data from administrative records of business and governmental sources. Moreover, the definitions of income are different. The BEA income series includes some items not included in the income data shown in census publications, such as income "in kind," income received by nonprofit institutions, the value of services of banks and other financial intermediaries rendered to people without the assessment of specific charges, medicare payments, and the income of people who died or emigrated prior to April 1, 2000. On the other hand, the census income data include contributions for support received from people not residing in the same household if the income is received on a regular basis.
In comparing income data for 1999 with earlier years, it should be noted that an increase or decrease in money income does not necessarily represent a comparable change in real income, unless adjustments for changes in prices are made.