Part B - Detailed definition
Refers to the basic division of private households into family and non-family households. Family household refers to a household that contains at least one census family, that is, a married couple with or without children, or a couple living common-law with or without children, or a lone parent living with one or more children (lone-parent family). One-family household refers to a single census family (with or without other persons) that occupies a private dwelling. Multiple-family household refers to a household in which two or more census families (with or without additional persons) occupy the same private dwelling. Family households may also be divided based on the presence of persons not in a census family.
Non-family household refers to either one person living alone in a private dwelling or to a group of two or more people who share a private dwelling, but who do not constitute a census family.
2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1976, 1971, 1966, 1961
Derived variable: Questions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
In the 2001 Census products, one of the most detailed legends of the variable is as follows:
All households
Family households
One-family only households
Couple family households
Without children
With children
Lone-parent family households
Other family households
One-family households with persons not in a census family
Couple family households
Without children
With children
Lone-parent family households
Two-or-more-family households
Non-family households
One person only
Two or more persons