Data Dictionary: | Citizen Voting Age Population Special Tabulation (ACS 2010-5 Year Estimates) |
Data Source: | U.S. Census Bureau |
TOT_EST. | Total Number of People |
Universe: Total Number of People | |
TOT_EST_1Total Number of People:
Percent base:
None - percentages not computed (variable is table universe)
Aggregation method:
Excerpt from: | Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) Special Tabulation From the 2006-2010 5-Year American Community Survey (ACS) |
Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) Special Tabulation |
File | GEOID format |
Nation | 01000US |
State | 04000USss, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code |
County | 05000USssccc, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code and ccc = three-digit county FIPS code |
Place | 16000USssppppp, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code and ppppp = five-digit place FIPS code |
MCD | 06000USsscccmmmmm, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code, ccc = three-digit county FIPS code, and mmmmm = five-digit MCD FIPS code. Note that while it is rare, an MCD can be in two counties in a state.To get the whole MCD, you must add together the parts of the MCD that are in each county. |
Tract | 14000USssccctttttt, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code, ccc = three-digit county FIPS code, and tttttt = sixdigit tract code |
BlockGr | 15000USsscccttttttb, where ss = two-digit state FIPS code, ccc = three-digit county FIPS code, tttttt = sixdigit tract group code, and b = one-digit block group code |
Total | 1 |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 2 |
American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 3 |
Asian Alone | 4 |
Black or African American Alone | 5 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Alone | 6 |
White Alone | 7 |
American Indian or Alaska Native and White | 8 |
Asian and White | 9 |
Black or African American and White | 10 |
American Indian or Alaska Native and Black or African American | 11 |
Remainder of Two or More Race Responses | 12 |
Hispanic or Latino | 13 |