Veteran status and history
Veterans are civilian males (persons on active duty at the time of enumeration are excluded), 14 years of age and over, who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, regardless of whether their service was in war or peace-time. Veterans in 1960 were asked whether they served in World War I (April 1917 to Nov. 1918), World War II (Sept. 1940 to July 1947), the Korean War (June 1950 to Jan. 1955), and any other time, including present service. Persons who reported serving in both the Korean War and World War II were tabulated as a separate group. All others who reported more than one period of service were classified according to the most recent wartime period of service reported.
In 1970, veterans were asked whether they served in World War I, World War H, the Korean War, the Vietnam Conflict (August 1964 to present), and any other time.