The classification of all occupied housing units as either owner-occupied or renter-occupied. This item was asked on a complete-count basis.
A housing unit is "owner occupied" if the owner or co-owner lives in the unit even if the unit is mortgaged or not fully paid for. The owner or co-owner must live in the unit but need not be the person listed in column 1 of the 1980 census questionnaire.
All occupied housing units which are not owner occupied, regardless of whether cash rent is paid by a member of the household. ("No cash rent" units, a subcategory of renter occupied, are separately identified in rent tabulations. Such units are generally one provided free by friends or relatives, or in exchange for the services of, for example, a caretaker, minister, tenant farmer, or sharecropoer.)
Tenure has been collected since 1890. In 1970, the question on tenure also included a category for condominium and cooperative ownership. In 1980, condominiums are identified in a separate question.
See also: "Condominium Status;" "Owner Costs, Selected Monthly;" "Rent, Contract;" "Rent, Gross;" "Value".