Documentation: | Census 1990 on 2010 Geographies |
Document: | Summary Tape File 3 |
citation: | Social Explorer, U.S. Census Bureau; Census of Population and Housing, 1990: Summary Tape File 3 on CD-ROM [machine-readable data files] / prepared by the Bureau of the Census. Washington: The Bureau [producer and distributor], 1991. |
Household relationship | Number of units in structure |
Sex | Number of rooms in unit |
Race | Tenure-owned or rented |
Age | Value of home or monthly rent |
Marital status | Congregate housing (meals included in rent) |
Hispanic origin | Vacancy characteristics |
Social characteristics: | Year moved into residence |
Education-enrollment and attainment | Number of bedrooms |
Place of birth, citizenship, and year of entry into U.S. | Plumbing and kitchen facilities, Telephone in unit |
Ancestry | Vehicles available |
Language spoken at home | Heating fuel |
Migration (residence in 1985) | Source of water and method of sewage disposal |
Disability | Year structure built |
Fertility | Condominium status |
Veteran Status | Farm residence |
Shelter costs, including utilities | |
Economic characteristics: | |
Labor force | |
Occupation, industry, and class of worker | |
Place of work and journey to work | |
Work experience in 1989 | |
Income in 1989 | |
Year last worked | |
NOTE: | Questions dealing with the subjects covered in the 100-percent component were asked of all persons and housing units. Those covered by the sample component were asked of a sample of the population and housing units. |
100-PERCENT DATA | ||||
1990 CPH-1 | SUMMARY POPULATION AND HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Population and housing unit counts, and summary statistics on age, sex,race, Hispanic origin,household relationship, units in structure, value and rent, number of rooms, tenure, and vacancy characteristics | Local governmental units (i.e., counties, places, and towns and townships), other county subdivisions, and American Indian and Alaska Native areas |
1990 CPH-2 | POPULATION AND HOUSING UNIT COUNTS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Total population and housing unit counts for 1990 and previous censuses | States, counties, county subdivisions, places, State component parts of metropolitan areas (MA's) and urbanized areas (UA's), and summary geographic areas (for example, urban and rural) |
1990 CPH-3 | POPULATION AND HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR CENSUS TRACTS AND BLOCK NUMBERING AREAS | MA's, and the nonmetropolitan balance of each State, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands | Statistics on 100-percent and sample population and housing subjects | In MA's: census tracts/block numbering areas (BNA's), places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, and counties. In the remainder of each State: census tracts/BNA's, places of 10,000 or more, and counties |
1990 CPH-4 | POPULATION AND HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF THE 103RD CONGRESS | States and DC | Statistics on 100-percent and sample population and housing subjects | Congressional districts (CD's) and, within CD's, counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivi- sions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, and American Indian and Alaska Native areas |
1990 CPH-5 | SUMMARY SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND HOUSING CHARAC- TERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands Islands | Statistics generally on sample population and housing subjects | Local governmental units (i.e., counties, places, and towns and townships), other county subdivisions, and American Indian and Alaska Native areas |
1990 CENSUS OF POPULATION (1990 CP) | ||||
100-PERCENT DATA | ||||
1990 CP-1 | GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Detailed statistics on age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and household relationship characteristics | States, counties, places of 1,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 1,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, State parts of American Indian areas, Alaska Native areas, and sumary geographic areassuch as urban and rural |
1990 CP-1-1A | GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS FOR AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and house- hold relationship charac- teristics | American Indian and Alaska Native areas; i.e., American Indian reservations, off- reservation trust lands, tribal jurisdiction statistical areas (Oklahoma), tribal designated statistical areas, Alaska Native village statistical areas, and Alaska Native Regional Corporations |
1990 CP-1-1B | GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and household relationship characteristics | Individual MA's. For MA's split by State boundaries, summaries are provided both for the parts and for the whole MA |
1990 CP-1-1C | GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS FOR URBANIZED AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, and household relationship characteristics | Individual MA's. For MA's split by State boundaries, summaries are provided both for the parts and for the whole UA |
1990 CP-2 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Statistics generally on sample population subjects | States (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 2,500 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 2,500 or more inhabitants in selected States, alaska Native areas, and the State portion of American Indian areas |
1990 CP-2-1A | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE AREAS | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample population subjects | American Indian and Alaska Native areas, as for CP-1-1A |
1990 CP-2-1B | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample population subjects | Individual MA's, as for CP-1-1B |
1990 CP-2-1C | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR URBANIZED AREAS | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample population subjects | Individual UA's, as for CP-1-1C |
1990 CP-3 | POPULATION SUBJECT REPORTS | Selected subjects | Approximately 30 reports on population census subjects such as migration, education, income the older population, and racial and ethnic groups | Generally limited to the U.S., regions, and divisions; for some reports, other highly populated areas such as States, MA's, counties, and large places |
1990 CH-1 | GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Detailed statistics on units in structure, value and rent, number of rooms, tenure, and vacancy characteristics | States, counties, places of 1,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 1,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, State parts of American Indian areas, Alaska Native areas, and summary geographic areas such as urban and rural |
1990 CH-1-1A | GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on units in structure, value and rent, number of rooms, tenure, and vacancy char- acteristics | American Indian and Alaska Native areas; i.e., American Indian reservations, trust lands, tribal jurisdiction statistical areas (Oklahoma), tribal designated statistical areas,Alaska Native village statistical areas, and Alaska Native Regional Corporations |
1990 CH-1-1B | GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on units in structure, value and rent, number of rooms, tenure, and vacancy characteristics | Individual MA's. For MA's split by State boundaries, summaries are provided both for the parts and for the whole MA |
1990 CH-1- 1C | GENERAL HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR URBANIZED AREAS | U.S. | Detailed statistics on units in structure, value and rent, number of rooms, tenure, and vacancy characteristics | Individual UA's. For UA's split by State boundaries, summaries are provided both for the parts and for the whole UA |
1990 CH-2 | DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS | U.S., States, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands | Statistics generally on sample housing subjects | States (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 2,500 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 2,500 or more inhabitants in selected States, Alaska Native areas, and State parts of American Indian areas |
1990 CH-2-1A | DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR AMERICAN INDIAN | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample housing subjects | American Indian and Alaska Native areas, as in 1990 CH-1-1A |
1990 CH-2-1B | DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample housing subjects | Individual MA's, as in 1990 CH-1-1B |
1990 CH-2-1C | DETAILED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS FOR URBANIZED AREAS | U.S. | Statistics generally on sample housing subjects | Individual UA's, as in 1990 CH-1-1C |
1990 CH-3 | HOUSING SUBJECT REPORTS | Selected subjects | Approximately 10 reports on housing census subjects such as structural characteristics and space utilization | Generally limited to U.S., regions, and divisions; for some reports, other highly populated areas such as States, MA's, counties, and large places |
A (2,3) | States, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts/block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's). Also Alaska Native areas and State parts of American Indian areas | Over 900 cells/items of 100-percent population and housing counts and characteristics for each geographic area |
B (2,3) | States, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts/BNA's, BG's, blocks. Also Alaska Native areas and State parts of American Indian areas | |
C (3) STF 1 (100 percent) | U.S., regions, divisions, States (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, metropolitan areas (MA's), urbanized areas (UA's), American Indian and Alaska Native areas | |
D | Congressional districts (CD's) of the 103rd Congress by State; and within each CD: counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, Alaska Native areas, and American Indian areas | |
A | In MA's: counties, places of 10,00 or more inhabitants, and census tracts/BNA's. In the remainder of each State: counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, and census tracts/BNA's | Over 2,100 cells/items of 100-percent population and housing counts and characteristics for each geographic area. Each of the STF 2 files will include a set of tabulations for the total population and separate presentations of tabulations by race and Hispanic origin |
B STF 2 (100 percent) | States (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 1,000 or more inhabitants, county sub- divisions, State parts of American Indian areas, and Alaska Native areas | |
C | U.S., regions, divisions, States (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, all county subdivisions in New England MA's, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, MA's, UA's | |
A (2,3) | States, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts/BNA's, BG's. Also Alaska Native areas and State parts of American Indian areas | Over 3,300 cells/items of sample population and housing characteristics for each geographic area |
B (3) | Five-digit ZIP Codes within each State | |
C (3) STF 3 | U.S., regions, divisions, States, counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, MA's, UA's | |
D | CD's of the 103rd Congress by State; and within each CD; counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States | |
A | In MA's: counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, and census tracts/BNA's. In the remainder of each State: counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, and census tracts/BNA's | Over 8,500 cells/items of sample population and housing characteristics for each geographic area. Each of the STF 4 files will include a set of tabulations for the total population and separate presentations of tabulations by race and Hispanic origin |
B STF 4(Sample) | State (including summaries such as urban and rural), counties, places of 2,500 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 2,500 or more inhabitants in selected States, all county subdivisions in New England MA's, State parts of American Indian areas, and Alaska Native areas | |
C | U.S., regions, divisions, States (including urban and rural race and Hispanic origin. and metropolitan and nonmetropolitan components), counties, places of 10,000 or more inhabitants, county subdivisions of 10,000 or more inhabitants in selected States, all county subdivisions in New England MA's, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, MA's, UA's | |
(1) | Similar STF's will be prepared for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands | |
(2) | Also available on microfiche. STF 1B microfiche provides only part of the data for blocks and other areas in the tape file. | |
(3) | Also available on laser disc (CD-ROM). STF 1B CD-ROM presents the same file extract as STF 1B microfiche. |
Subject Summary Tape Files | About 20 computer tape files used to produce the subject reports (1990 CP-3 and 1990 CH-3 series). On the average, a file is the source of two subject reports | U.S., regions, divisions, States, metropolitan areas (MA's), and large counties and places |
Public Law 94-171 Data File (redistricting data) | Counts by total, race, and Hispanic origin for the total population and population 18 years old and over, and counts of housing units. Available on tape, CD-ROM, and paper listings. | States, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts/block numbering areas (BNA's), block groups (BG's), and blocks; voting districts where States have identified them for the Census Bureau; and American Indian and Alaska Native areas |
Census/Equal Employment (EEO) Special File | Sample tabulations showing detailed occupations and educational attainment data by age; cross tabulated by sex, Hispanic origin, and race | Counties, MA's, places of 50,000 or more inhabitants |
County-to-County Migration File | Summary statistics for all intra-state county-to- county migration streams and significant inter- state county-to-county migration streams. Each record will include codes for the geographic area of destination, and selected characteristics of the persons who made up the migration stream | States, counties |
Public UseMicrodata Sample(PUMS) Files | Machine-readable files containing a sample of individual long-form census records showing most population and housing characteristics but with identifying information removed | County groups, counties, county subdivisions, and places with 100,000 or more inhabitantsMA's and other large areas with 100,000 or more inhabitants |
5 Percent--PUMS Areas | ||
1 Percent--Metro- politan Areas (1990) | ||
User-Defined AreasTabulations | A set of standard tabulations provided on print- outs, tapes, or other products with maps and narrative (if requested) | User-defined areas created by aggregating census blocks |
SpecialTabulations | User-defined tabulations for specified geographic areas provided on printouts, tapes, or other products | User-defined areas or standard areas |