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Demographic Reports

Social Explorer reports include a wide variety of historical and modern data from the U.S. Census, the American Community Survey, the American Religious Bodies (ASARB), and InfoGroup for latest religion data (2010). This tool allows users to create reports and download data in convenient formats quickly and easily. (Free Edition users may only select data from the 2000 Census).

To start a new report or download data, select a survey from the list below.

American Community Surveys (5-Year Estimates)
ACS 5-Year Estimates (available down to the Census Block Group geography) data plus Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.
Documentation is available here.
American Community Surveys (3-Year Estimates)
ACS 3-Year Estimates (available for geographic areas with a population of 20,000 or more) data plus Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.
American Community Surveys (1-Year Estimates)
ACS 1-Year Estimates (available for geographic areas with a population of 60,000 or more) data plus Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.
Decennial Census
Population and housing variables including race, hispanic status. Includes Summary File 1 and Social Explorer tables.
Population and housing variables including race, hispanic status and change from 2000.
Full Summary File 1 and 3 down to block group level and a Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.
Complete Summary Tape File 1 and 3 and the Social Explorer tables.
Complete Summary Tape File 1 and 3 and the Social Explorer tables.
Complete Count 4 from the 1970 Census. Count 4 is based mostly on a 15% population sample, and is similar to the long form in 2000 Census.
Reports based on all available variables for counties in 1960. Note that 1960 county variables are not the same as Tract variables. Census tracts from 1960 were retabulated in 1970 yielding a different (more detailed) data set than the County, State and US data sets.
Reports based on the Census Tracts dataset from the 1960 Census. Note that for the 1960 Census, more data are available at Tract level than are at the County and State level. Furthermore, only a subset of the data are compatible between the two datasets. We have compiled these reports to be as comprehensive as possible using most of the data available for each dataset in 1960.
Data include following geographies: tracts, counties, states and the US. This is a compatibility dataset generated by Social Explorer. It contains only variables that are compatible between all geographies (states, counties, and tracts). For more tract variables please look at the next dataset which is tracts only but has more variables than this dataset.
Reports based on the 1950 Census tract dataset. These reports only include tracts. The 1950 Census was released separately for tracts and counties. Only some variables overlap between them and those variables are accessible in the dataset above this one. This dataset contains the entire 1950 tracts dataset.
These reports include the following geographies: tracts, counties, states and the US. This is a compatibility dataset generated by Social Explorer staff. It contains only variables that are compatible between all geographies. For more tract variables please access the next dataset which is tracts only.
Reports based on the 1940 Census tract dataset. These reports include only tracts. The 1940 Census was released separately for tracts and counties. Only some variables overlap between them and those variables are accessible in the dataset above this one. This dataset contains the entire 1940 tracts dataset.
Religion - RCMS data
Explore congregational membership in every county, state and the United States. These data are based on the Religious Congregations and Membership Study, and delivered in partnership with The ARDA organization. Congregational membership data are collected by representatives of the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies (ASARB).
Religion - InfoGroup data
Explore religion in every county, state and the United States. The data were collected by InfoGroup - American Church Lists, organized into religious groups by the ARDA, tabulated and processed by Social Explorer.
Full documentation is available here.

Discontinued Datasets:
Census 1990 (Old system)
Reports based on a subset of Summary File 1, Summary File 3 and Summary File 4 data from the 1990 Census.
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