Demographic Reports
Social Explorer reports include a wide variety of historical and modern data from
the U.S. Census, the American Community Survey, the American Religious Bodies (ASARB),
and InfoGroup for latest religion data (2010). This tool allows users to create
reports and download data in convenient formats quickly and easily. (Free Edition
users may only select data from the 2000 Census).
To start a new report or download data, select a survey from the list below.
Decennial Census
Population and housing variables including race, hispanic status and change from 2000.
Full Summary File 1 and 3 down to block group level and a Social Explorer tables which include easy reports with age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household relationship, place of birth, education, employment status, income, tenure, cost and value of housing, year structure built and other data.
Carbon Emissions
Discontinued Datasets:
Census 1990 (Old system)
Reports based on a subset of Summary File 1, Summary File 3 and Summary File 4 data from the 1990 Census.