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Data Dictionary:
ACS 2016 (5-Year Estimates)
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ACS 2016 (5-Year Estimates)
Data Source:
U.S. Census Bureau
Data set:
American Community Survey Tables: 2012 -- 2016 (5-Year Estimates) (ACS16_5yr)
B19080. Household Income Quintile Upper Limits [5]
Universe: Households
Variable Details
Household Income Quintile Upper Limits
Universe: Universe: Households
Lower Limit of Top 5 Percent
Percent base:
None - percentages not computed
Aggregation method:
Quintile -- can not be aggregated -- No totals are displayed for this variable when multiple geographies are selected
Relevant Documentation:
Excerpt from:
Social Explorer; U.S. Census Bureau; 2016 ACS 1-year and 2012-2016 ACS 5-year Data Releases: Technical Documentation.
2016 ACS 1-year and 2012-2016 ACS 5-year Data Releases: Technical Documentation -> Appendix A: Supplemental Documentation -> 2014 Subject Definitions -> Population Variables -> Income Type in the Past 12 Months -> Income Quintile Upper Limits
Income Quintile Upper Limits
Negative incomes are converted to zero for these measures. These measures are the quintile cutoffs, along with the 95th percentile of the distribution. (For more information on quintiles, see "Derived Measures.")