Includes Asian and Pacific Islander groups not identified-separately (e.g., Cambodian, Indo-Chinese, Pakistani, Indonesian, Fiji Islander) and other races not included in the specific categories listed on the questionnaire. (Asian and Pacific Islander groups in the "other" category in 100-percent tabulations are included in the category "Asian and Pacific Islander" in sample tabulations. Persons who wrote in "Mexican," "Cuban," "South American," "Chicano," or "La Raza" remained in the "other" races category for both complete-count and sample tabulations.)
In a few tables in which data for American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, and Asian and Pacific Islander are not presented separately, the "Other" category encompasses all race categories not shown separately.
In some tabulations, the "Other" or "Race, n.e.c." category is omitted to save space; data for this category are derivable by subtracting the sum of the specified race categories from the total.
In certain printed tables, where space is limited, data for persons of Spanish origin are presented alongside data for up to four major race groups. In such situations, users should not be misled by the proximity of these two types of data. Spanish origin is not a race category, and persons of Spanish origin may be of any race. Tabulations in a number of sources present data separately for race categories (e.g., White, Black, and "Other") for persons not of Spanish origin. In addition, the number of Spanish-origin persons is given by race.