Presence of equipment with a refrigeration unit to cool air in occupied and vacant housing units. Evaporative coolers and fans or blowers not connected to a refrigerating apparatus are excluded, but refrigerating heat pumps are included. This item was asked on a sample basis.
A central installation designed to deliver cooled air to a number of rooms in a house or apartment. The system may have individual room controls. In an apartment building, a central system may coo1 all apartments in the building, each apartment may have its own central system, or there may be several systems, each providing central air conditioning for a group of apartments.
An individual air conditioner which is installed in a window or an outside wall, and is generally intended to deliver cooled air to the room in which it is located, although it may sometimes be used to cool more than one room.
No air conditioning present.
Similar data have been collected since 1960.