We're happy to announce that we've processed and published the American Community Survey (ACS) 2022 5-Year Estimates. As with everything we do, our goal is to empower data scientists, researchers, and academics with the most up-to-date and comprehensive demographic and census data. The Power of ACS 2022 5-Year Estimates The ACS 5-Year Estimates provide a
Documentation: | Census 2000 |
Document: | Summary File 1 Technical Documentation |
citation: | Social Explorer, U.S. Census Bureau; 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Summary File 1: Technical Documentation, 2001. |
Planned release date(Dates in this column refer to the first medium of release) | 100-percent data products | Lowest level geography |
Released MAR 7 -30, 2001 |
Census 2000 Redistricting Data Summary File State population counts for race and Hispanic or Latino categories Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Blocks |
MAY - JUN 2001 |
Demographic Profile Selected population and housing characteristics in a single table Media: Internet, CD-ROM/DVD (available w/Summary File 1), paper |
Places Census tracts (Internet only) |
MAY 2001 |
Census 2000 Housing Unit Counts Media: Internet |
Places |
MAY - JUN 2001 |
Congressional District Demographic Profile Same as Profile (described above) but for Congressional Dis-tricts Media: Internet, CD-ROM/DVD (available w/Summary File 1), paper |
Congressional Districts of the 106th Congress |
JUL 2001 |
Race and Hispanic or Latino Summary File on CD-ROM Medium: Internet (FTP only), CD-ROM |
Places |
States: JUN - SEP 2001 Advance national:NOV - DEC 2001 Final national:MAY - JUN 2002 |
Summary File 1 (SF 1): Population counts for 63 race categories and Hispanic or Latino Population counts for many detailed race and Hispanic or Latinocategories, and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes Selected population and housing characteristics.[Urban/rural data are on the final national file-this is the only difference from the advance national file] Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
BlocksCensus tractsBlocks/Census tracts |
States: SEP - DEC 2001 Advance national: MAR - APR 2002 Final national:JUN - JUL 2002 |
Summary File 2 (SF 2): Population and housing characteristics iterated for many detailedrace and Hispanic or Latino categories, and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes [Urban/rural data are on the final national file-this is the onlydifference from the advance national file] Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts |
States APR - DEC 2001 National: NOV 2001 - APR 2002 |
Quick Tables Table shells with population and housing characteristics wherethe user can specify a geographic area and a population group Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts |
States: APR 2001 - JAN 2002 National: DEC 2001 - AUG 2002 |
Geographic Comparison Tables Population and housing characteristics for a list of geographicareas (e.g., all counties in a state) Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Places |
SEP - DEC 2001(Release subject to policydecisions on access and confidentiality) |
Advanced Query Function User specifies contents of tabulations from full microdata file Includes safeguards against disclosure of identifying informa-tion about individuals and housing units Medium: Internet |
User defined down to blockgroups |
JAN - NOV 2002 |
Summary Population and Housing Characteristics (PHC-1) Media: Internet, paper (printed report) |
Places |
2003 |
Population and Housing Unit Totals (PHC-3) Media: Internet, paper (printed report with selected historical counts) |
Places |
Planned release date (Dates in this column refer to the first medium of release) | Sample data products | Lowest level geography |
MAR - MAY 2002 |
Demographic Profile Demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics presented in three separate tables Media: Internet, CD-ROM/DVD (available w/Summary File 3), paper |
Places Census tracts (Internet only) |
MAR - MAY 2002 |
Congressional District Demographic Profile Demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics presented in three separate tables for Congressional Districts only Media: Internet, CD-ROM/DVD (available with Summary File 3), paper |
Congressional Districts of the 106th Congress |
JUN - SEP 2002 |
Summary File 3 (SF 3) Population counts for ancestry groups Selected population and housing characteristics Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts Block groups/ Census tracts |
OCT 2002 - FEB 2003 |
Summary File 4 (SF 4) Population and housing characteristics iterated for many detailed race and Hispanic or Latino categories, American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, and ancestry groups Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts |
JUN 2002 - FEB 2003 |
Quick Tables Table shells with population and housing characteristics where the user can specify a geographic area and a population group Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts |
JUL 2002 - MAR 2003 |
Geographic Comparison Tables Population and housing characteristics for a list of geographic areas (e.g., all counties in a state) Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Places |
For 1-percent sample: 2002 For 5-percent sample: 2003 |
Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files 1-percent sample (information for the nation and states, as wellas substate areas where appropriate) 5-percent sample (information for state and substate areas) Media: CD-ROM, DVD |
Super Public Use Micro- data Areas (Super-PUMAs)of 400,000+ PUMAs of 100,000+ |
DEC 2002 - MAR 2003(Release subject to policy decisions on access and confidentiality) |
Advanced Query Function User specifies contents of tabulations from full microdata file Includes safeguards against disclosure of identifying informa-tion about individuals and housing units Medium: Internet |
User defined down tocensus tracts |
2003 | Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics (PHC-2) Media: Internet, paper (printed report) | Places |
2003 |
Congressional District Data Summary File 100-percent and sample data for the redistricted 108th Con-gress Media: Internet, CD-ROM, DVD |
Census tracts within Congressional Districts |