We're happy to announce that we've processed and published the American Community Survey (ACS) 2022 5-Year Estimates. As with everything we do, our goal is to empower data scientists, researchers, and academics with the most up-to-date and comprehensive demographic and census data. The Power of ACS 2022 5-Year Estimates The ACS 5-Year Estimates provide a
Documentation: | Census 2000 |
Document: | Summary File 3 Technical Documentation |
citation: | Social Explorer, U.S. Census Bureau; 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Summary File 3: Technical Documentation, 2002. |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
RecordCodes | |||||
File Identification1 | FILEID | 6 | 1 | A/N | |
State/U.S.-Abbreviation(USPS) | STUSAB | 2 | 7 | A | |
AK | Alaska | ||||
AL | Alabama | ||||
AR | Arkansas | ||||
AS | AmericanSamoa | ||||
AZ | Arizona | ||||
CA | California | ||||
CO | Colorado | ||||
CT | Connecticut | ||||
DC | DistrictofColumbia | ||||
DE | Delaware | ||||
FL | Florida | ||||
GA | Georgia | ||||
GU | Guam | ||||
HI | Hawaii | ||||
IA | Iowa | ||||
ID | Idaho | ||||
IL | Illinois | ||||
IN | Indiana | ||||
KS | Kansas | ||||
KY | Kentucky | ||||
LA | Louisiana | ||||
MA | Massachusetts | ||||
MDME | MarylandMaine | ||||
MIMN | MichiganMinnesota | ||||
MP | NorthernMarianaIslands | ||||
MO | Missouri | ||||
MS | Mississippi | ||||
MT | Montana | ||||
NC | NorthCarolina | ||||
ND | NorthDakota | ||||
NE | Nebraska | ||||
NH | NewHampshire | ||||
NJ | NewJersey | ||||
NM | NewMexico | ||||
NV | Nevada | ||||
NY | NewYork | ||||
OH | Ohio | ||||
OK | Oklahoma | ||||
OR | Oregon | ||||
PA | Pennsylvania | ||||
PR | PuertoRico | ||||
RI | RhodeIsland | ||||
SC | SouthCarolina | ||||
SD | SouthDakota | ||||
TN | Tennessee | ||||
TX | Texas | ||||
US | UnitedStates | ||||
UT | Utah | ||||
VA | Virginia | ||||
VI | VirginIslandsoftheUnitedStates | ||||
VT | Vermont | ||||
WA | Washington | ||||
WI | Wisconsin | ||||
WV | WestVirginia | ||||
WY | Wyoming | ||||
Summary Level2 | SUMLEV | 3 | 9 | N | |
Geographic Component3 | GEOCOMP | 2 | 12 | A/N | |
Characteristic Iteration4 000 Notacharacteristic iteration | CHARITER | 3 | 14 | A/N | |
Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number | CIFSN | 2 | 17 | A/N | |
Logical Record Number5 | LOGRECNO | 7 | 19 | N |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Geographic Area Codes | |||||
Region6 | REGION | 1 | 26 | A/N | |
1 | Northeast | ||||
2 | Midwest | ||||
3 | South | ||||
4 | West | ||||
9 | Not in a region (Puerto Rico,American Samoa,Guam,Northern Mariana Islands,Virgin | ||||
Division6 | DIVISION | 1 | 27 | A/N | |
0 | Not in a division (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands of the United States) | ||||
1 | New England | ||||
2 | Middle Atlantic | ||||
3 | East North Central | ||||
4 | West North Central | ||||
5 | South Atlantic | ||||
6 | East South Central | ||||
7 | West South Central | ||||
8 | Mountain | ||||
9 | Pacific | ||||
State(Census)6 | STATECE | 2 | 28 | A/N | |
01 | Northern Mariana Islands | ||||
03 | American Samoa | ||||
04 | Guam | ||||
06 | Puerto Rico | ||||
7 | Virgin Islands of the United States | ||||
11 | Maine | ||||
12 | New Hampshire | ||||
13 | Vermont | ||||
14 | Massachusetts | ||||
15 | RhodeIsland | ||||
16 | Connecticut | ||||
21 | NewYork | ||||
22 | New Jersey | ||||
23 | Pennsylvania | ||||
31 | Ohio | ||||
32 | Indiana | ||||
33 | Illinois | ||||
34 | Michigan | ||||
35 | Wisconsin | ||||
41 | Minnesota | ||||
42 | Iowa | ||||
43 | Missouri | ||||
44 | North Dakota | ||||
45 | South Dakota | ||||
46 | Nebraska | ||||
47 | Kansas | ||||
51 | Delaware | ||||
52 | Maryland | ||||
53 | District of Columbia | ||||
54 | Virginia | ||||
55 | West Virginia | ||||
56 | North Carolina | ||||
57 | South Carolina | ||||
58 | Georgia | ||||
59 | Florida | ||||
61 | Kentucky | ||||
62 | Tennessee | ||||
63 | Alabama | ||||
64 | Mississippi | ||||
71 | Arkansas | ||||
72 | Louisiana | ||||
73 | Oklahoma | ||||
74 | Texas | ||||
81 | Montana | ||||
82 | Idaho | ||||
83 | Wyoming | ||||
84 | Colorado | ||||
85 | New Mexico | ||||
86 | Arizona | ||||
87 | Utah | ||||
88 | Nevada | ||||
91 | Washington | ||||
92 | Oregon | ||||
93 | California | ||||
94 | Alaska | ||||
95 | Hawaii | ||||
State(FIPS)6,7 | STATE | 2 | 30 | A/N | |
01 | Alabama | ||||
02 | Alaska | ||||
04 | Arizona | ||||
05 | Arkansas | ||||
06 | California | ||||
08 | Colorado | ||||
09 | Connecticut | ||||
10 | Delaware | ||||
11 | District of Columbia | ||||
12 | Florida | ||||
13 | Georgia | ||||
15 | Hawaii | ||||
16 | Idaho | ||||
17 | Illinois | ||||
18 | Indiana | ||||
19 | Iowa | ||||
20 | Kansas | ||||
21 | Kentucky | ||||
22 | Louisiana | ||||
23 | Maine | ||||
24 | Maryland | ||||
25 | Massachusetts | ||||
26 | Michigan | ||||
27 | Minnesota | ||||
28 | Mississippi | ||||
29 | Missouri | ||||
30 | Montana | ||||
31 | Nebraska | ||||
32 | Nevada | ||||
33 | New Hampshire | ||||
34 | New Jersey | ||||
35 | New Mexico | ||||
36 | New York | ||||
37 | North Carolina | ||||
38 | North Dakota | ||||
39 | Ohio | ||||
40 | Oklahoma | ||||
41 | Oregon | ||||
42 | Pennsylvania | ||||
44 | RhodeIsland | ||||
45 | South Carolina | ||||
46 | South Dakota | ||||
47 | Tennessee | ||||
48 | Texas | ||||
49 | Utah | ||||
50 | Vermont | ||||
51 | Virginia | ||||
53 | Washington | ||||
54 | West Virginia | ||||
55 | Wisconsin | ||||
56 | Wyoming | ||||
60 | American Samoa | ||||
66 | Guam | ||||
69 | Northern Mariana Islands | ||||
72 | Puerto Rico | ||||
78 | Virgin Islands of the United States | ||||
County6 | COUNTY | 3 | 32 | A/N | |
County Size Code | COUNTYSC | 2 | 35 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000ormore | ||||
County Subdivision(FIPS)6,7 | COUSUB | 5 | 37 | A/N | |
FIPS County Subdivision Class Code7 | COUSUBCC | 2 | 42 | A/N | |
C1 | Incorporated place that is governmentally active, is not related to an Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA), and does not serve as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent. | ||||
C2 | Incorporated place that also serves as a minor civil division (MCD)equivalent because,although the place is coextensive with an MCD ,the Census Bureau, in agreement with state officials, does not recognize that MCD for presenting statistical data since the MCD cannot provide governmental services (Iowa and Ohio only). | ||||
C5 | Incorporated place that also serves as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because it is not part of any MCD or a county subdivision classified as Z5. |
C7 | Incorporated place that is an independent city; that is, it also serves as a county equivalent because it is not part of any county, and a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because it is not part of any MCD. |
T1 | Governmentally active minor civil division (MCD) that is not coextensive with an incorporated place. | ||||
T5 | Governmentally active minor civil division (MCD) that is coextensive with an incorporated place. | ||||
T9 | Minor civil division (MCD) whose government is inactive. | ||||
Z1 | Minor civil division (MCD) that cannot provide general-purpose governmental services. | ||||
Z2 | American Indian reservation and/or off-reservation trust land area that also serves as a primary division of a county or statistically equivalent area. | ||||
Z3 | Unorganized territory identified by the Census Bureau as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent for presenting statistical data. | ||||
Z5 | Census county division (CCD), census subarea (Alaska only), or census subdistrict (U.S. Virgin Islands only). | ||||
Z7 | Incorporated place that the Census Bureau treats as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because it is not in any MCD or is coextensive with a legally established but nonfunctioning MCD that the Census Bureau does not recognize for statistical data presentation purposes, AND is located in a state or county whose MCDs cannot provide governmental services (Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, and North Carolina only). | ||||
Z9 | Pseudo-minor civil division (MCD) that consists of water area not assigned to any legal MCD. | ||||
County Subdivision Size Code | COUSUBSC | 2 | 44 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000ormore | ||||
Place(FIPS)6,7 | PLACE | 5 | 46 | A/N | |
FIPS Place Class Code7 | PLACECC | 2 | 51 | A/N | |
C1 | Incorporated place that is governmentally active,is not related to an Alaska Native village statistical area(ANVSA),and does not serve as a minor civil division(MCD)equivalent. | ||||
C2 | Incorporated place that also serves as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because, although the place is coextensive with an MCD, the Census Bureau, in agreement with state officials, does not recognize that MCD for presenting statistical data since the MCD cannot provide governmental services (Iowa and Ohio only). | ||||
C5 | Incorporated place that also serves as a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because it is not part of any MCD or a county subdivision classified as Z5. | ||||
C6 | Incorporated place that coincides with or approximates an Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA). | ||||
C7 | Incorporated place that is an independent city; that is, it also serves as a county equivalent because it is not part of any county, and a minor civil division (MCD) equivalent because it is not part of any MCD. | ||||
C8 | The portion ("balance") of a consolidated city that excludes the separately incorporated place(s) within that jurisdiction. | ||||
C9 | Incorporated place whose government is operationally inactive or is not included in any other "C" subclass. | ||||
M2 | Military or U.S. Coast Guard installation (or part of an installation) that serves as a census designated place (CDP). | ||||
U1 | Census designated place (CDP) with a name that is commonly recognized for the populated area and designated as a populated space by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). | ||||
U2 | Census designated place (CDP) with a name that is not commonly recognized for the populated area (e.g., a combination of the names of two or three commonly recognized communities, or a name that identifies the location of the CDP in relation to an adjacent incorporated place). | ||||
U9 | Census designated place (CDP) that coincides with or approximates an Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA). | ||||
Note: | Place class code is set at both the place-county level and for the whole place and could vary if a place is in multiple counties. The place class code describes the portion of the place within a county in all summary levels except: 160, 372, 375, 382, 391, 460, 461, and 531; for those excepted summary levels, the place description describes the entire place entity. The different place class codes only can occur in Iowa, Nebraska, and Ohio. | ||||
Place Description Code | PLACEDC | 1 | 53 | A/N | |
0 | Legal entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area or central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
1 | Legal entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
2 | Legal entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and all of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
3 | Legal entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area and all of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
4 | Legal entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
5 | Legal entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
6 | Legal entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
7 | Legal entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and no area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
8 | Legal entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and no area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
9 | Entity is a "false" entity and not applicable for a place description. | ||||
A | Statistical entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area or central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
B | Statistical entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
C | Statistical entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and all of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
D | Statistical entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area and all of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
E | Statistical entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
F | Statistical entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
G | Statistical entity has no area classified as a central place of an urban area and part of its area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
H | Statistical entity has all of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and no area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
I | Statistical entity has part of its area classified as a central place of an urban area and no area classified as a central city of a metropolitan area (MA). | ||||
Note: | Place description code is set at both the place-county level and for the whole place and could vary if a place is in multiple counties. The place description code describes the portion of the place within a county in all summary levels except: 160, 372, 375, 382, 391, 460, 461, and 531; for those excepted summary levels, the place description describes the entire place entity. | ||||
Place Size Code | PLACESC | 2 | 54 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000or more | ||||
Census Tract6 | TRACT | 6 | 56 | A/N | |
Block Group6 | BLKGRP | 1 | 62 | A/N | |
Block6 | BLOCK | 4 | 63 | A/N | |
Internal Use Code8 | IUC | 2 | 67 | A/N | |
Consolidated City (FIPS)6,7 | CONCIT | 5 | 69 | A/N | |
03436 | Athens-Clarke County,Georgia | ||||
04200 | Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia | ||||
11397 | Butte-Silver Bow, Montana | ||||
19000 | Columbus, Georgia | ||||
36003 | Indianapolis, Indiana | ||||
47515 | Milford, Connecticut | ||||
52006 | Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee | ||||
FIPS Consolidated City Class Code 6,7 | CONCITCC | 2 | 74 | A/N | |
C3 | Consolidated city | ||||
Consolidated City Size Code | CONCITSC | 2 | 76 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000 or more | ||||
American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian HomeLand(Census)6,9 | AIANHH | 4 | 78 | A/N | |
American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian HomeLand(FIPS)6,7,9,10 | AIANHHFP | 5 | 82 | A/N | |
FIPS American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian HomeLand Class Code 7,9 | AIANHHCC | 2 | 87 | A/N | |
D1 | Federally recognized American Indian reservation that has associated off-reservation trust land. | ||||
D2 | Federally recognized American Indian reservation that does not have associated off-reservation trust lands. | ||||
D3 | Federally recognized American Indian off-reservation trust land area without any associated reservation. | ||||
D4 | State recognized American Indian reservation. | ||||
D6 | Statistical entity identified for a federally recognized American Indian tribe that does not have a reservation or identified off-reservation trust land. Specifically, a tribal designated statistical area (TDSA) or Oklahoma tribal statistical area (OTSA) but excluding Alaska Native village statistical areas (ANVSAs). | ||||
D9 | State designated American Indian statistical area (SDAISA). | ||||
E1 | Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA) that does not coincide with or approximate an incorporated place or a census designated place (CDP). | ||||
E2 | Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA) that coincides with or approximates a census designated place (CDP). | ||||
E6 | Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA) that coincides with or approximates an incorporated place. | ||||
F1 | Hawaiian home land, an area established by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1921 providing for lands held in trust by the State of Hawaii for the benefit of Native Hawaiians. | ||||
American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator9 | AIHHTLI | 1 | 89 | A/N | |
R | American Indian reservation (federal and state) only, Oklahoma tribal statistical area (OTSA), tribal designated statistical area (TDSA), and state designated American Indian statistical area (SDAISA) | ||||
T | Of f-reservation trust land | ||||
H | Hawaiian home land | ||||
M | American Indian reservation with associated off-reservation trust land | ||||
9 | Not an American Indian area | ||||
American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)6 | AITSCE | 3 | 90 | A/N | |
American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS) 6,7,10 | AITS | 5 | 93 | A/N | |
FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code7 | AITSCC | 2 | 98 | A/N | |
D7 | American Indian Tribal Subdivision | ||||
Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS) 6,7 | ANRC | 5 | 100 | A/N | |
00590 | Ahtna | ||||
01570 | Aleut | ||||
03950 | Arctic Slope | ||||
06370 | Bering Straits | ||||
09040 | Bristol Bay | ||||
09800 | Calista | ||||
14410 | Chugach | ||||
17140 | Cook Inlet | ||||
20010 | Doyon | ||||
41640 | Koniag | ||||
52120 | NANA | ||||
67940 | Sealaska | ||||
FIPSAlaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code 7 | ANRCCC | 2 | 105 | A/N | |
E7 | Alaska Native Regional Corporation | ||||
Metropolitan Statistical Area/Consolidated | MSACMSA | 4 | 107 | A/N | |
Metropolitan Statistical Area 6 | |||||
MSA/CMSA Size Code | MASC | 2 | 111 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000or more | ||||
Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area6 | CMSA | 2 | 113 | A/N | |
Metropolitan Area Central City Indicator | MACCI | 1 | 115 | A/N | |
Y | Yes, designated or within a central city of a metropolitan area | ||||
N | No, not designated or within a central city of a metropolitan area | ||||
9 | Area is not in metropolitan area | ||||
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area 6 | PMSA | 4 | 116 | A/N | |
New England County Metropolitan Area | NECMA | 4 | 120 | A/N | |
New England County Metropolitan Area Central City | NECMACCI | 1 | 124 | A/N | |
Indicator | |||||
Y | Yes, designated or within a central city of a New England county metropolitan area | ||||
N | No, not designated or within a central city of a New England county metropolitan area | ||||
9 | Area is not in New England county metropolitan area | ||||
New England County Metropolitan Area Size Code | NECMASC | 2 | 125 | A/N | |
Extended Place Indicator 6 | EXI | 1 | 127 | A/N | |
Y | Extended city | ||||
N | Not an extended city | ||||
Urban Area6 | UA | 5 | 128 | A/N | |
Urban Area Size Code | UASC | 2 | 133 | A/N | |
00 | Not in universe | ||||
01 | 0 | ||||
02 | 1-24 | ||||
03 | 25-99 | ||||
04 | 100-199 | ||||
05 | 200-249 | ||||
06 | 250-299 | ||||
07 | 300-499 | ||||
08 | 500-999 | ||||
09 | 1,000-1,499 | ||||
10 | 1,500-1,999 | ||||
11 | 2,000-2,499 | ||||
12 | 2,500-4,999 | ||||
13 | 5,000-9,999 | ||||
14 | 10,000-19,999 | ||||
15 | 20,000-24,999 | ||||
16 | 25,000-49,999 | ||||
17 | 50,000-99,999 | ||||
18 | 100,000-249,999 | ||||
19 | 250,000-499,999 | ||||
20 | 500,000-999,999 | ||||
21 | 1,000,000-2,499,999 | ||||
22 | 2,500,000-4,999,999 | ||||
23 | 5,000,000or more | ||||
Urban Area Type | UATYPE | 1 | 135 | A/N | |
U | Urbanized area | ||||
C | Urban cluster | ||||
9 | Not in an urban area | ||||
Urban/Rural6 | UR | 1 | 136 | A/N | |
U | Wholly urban | ||||
R | Wholly rural | ||||
M | Mixed(partially urban and rural) | ||||
Congressional District(106th)6 | CD106 | 2 | 137 | A/N | |
Congressional District(108th)6 | CD108 | 2 | 139 | A/N | |
Congressional District(109th)6 | CD109 | 2 | 141 | A/N | |
Congressional District(110th)6 | CD110 | 2 | 143 | A/N | |
01-52 | The actual congressional district number | ||||
00 | Applies to states whose representative is elected "at large";i.e.,the state has only one representative in the United States House of Representatives | ||||
98 | Applies to areas that have an "at large" nonvoting delegate or resident commissioner in the United States House of Representatives | ||||
99 | Applies to areas that have no representation in the United States House of Representatives | ||||
State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)6,11 | SLDU | 3 | 145 | A/N | |
State Legislative District(Lower Chamber)6,11 | SLDL | 3 | 148 | A/N | |
Voting District6,12 | VTD | 6 | 151 | A/N | |
Voting District Indicator | VTDI | 1 | 157 | A/N | |
A | Actual voting district | ||||
P | Pseudo-voting district | ||||
Blank voting districts not defined for this county | |||||
ZIP Code Tabulation Area(3 digit)6 | ZCTA3 | 3 | 158 | A/N | |
ZIP Code Tabulation Area(5 digit)6 | ZCTA5 | 5 | 161 | A/N | |
Subbarrio(FIPS)6,7 | SUBMCD | 5 | 166 | A/N | |
FIPS Subbarrio Class Code7 | SUBMCDCC | 2 | 171 | A/N | |
Z6 | Subbarrio in Puerto Rico |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Area Characteristics | |||||
Area(Land)13 | AREALAND | 14 | 173 | A/N | |
Area(Water)14 | AREAWATR | 14 | 187 | A/N | |
AreaName-Legal/Statistical Area Description(LSAD)Term-Part Indicator15 | NAME | 90 | 201 | A/N | |
Functional Status Code | FUNCSTAT | 1 | 291 | A/N | |
A | Active government providing primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
B | Active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
C | Active government that is consolidated with another government that has the same officials providing primary general-purpose functions. Functional status C is assigned to the nonprimary entity. | ||||
E | Active government providing special-purpose functions. | ||||
F | Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy that is coextensive or nearly so with another governmental unit. | ||||
G | Active government that is fiscally or administratively subordinate to another unit of government that provides primary general-purpose functions; not classified as a government by the Census Bureau's Governments Division. | ||||
I | Inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
N | Nonfunctioning legal entity. | ||||
S | Statistical entity. | ||||
T | State recognized American Indian tribe. | ||||
GeographicChangeUserNoteIndicator | GCUNI | 1 | 292 | A/N | |
Y | Geographic change user note exists for this entity | ||||
N | No geographic change user note exists for this entity | ||||
PopulationCount(100%)16 | POP100 | 9 | 293 | A/N | |
HousingUnitCount(100%)17 | HU100 | 9 | 302 | A/N | |
InternalPoint(Latitude)18 | INTPTLAT | 9 | 311 | A/N | |
InternalPoint(Longitude)19 | INTPTLON | 10 | 320 | A/N | |
Legal/StatisticalAreaDescriptionCode20 | LSADC | 2 | 330 | A/N | |
PartFlag | PARTFLAG | 1 | 332 | A/N | |
W | Not a Part | ||||
P | Part |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Special Area Codes | |||||
School District (Elementary) | SDELM | 5 | 333 | A/N | |
School District (Secondary) | SDSEC | 5 | 338 | A/N | |
School District (Unified) | SDUNI | 5 | 343 | A/N | |
Traffic Analysis Zone | TAZ | 6 | 348 | A/N | |
Oregon Urban Growth Area | UGA | 5 | 354 | A/N | |
Public Use Microdata Area - 5% File6 | PUMA5 | 5 | 359 | A/N | |
Public Use Microdata Area - 1% File6 | PUMA1 | 5 | 364 | A/N | |
Reserved | RESERVE2 | 15 | 369 | A/N | |
Metropolitan Area Central City | MACC | 5 | 384 | A/N | |
Urban Area Central Place | UACP | 5 | 389 | A/N | |
Reserved | RESERVED | 7 | 394 | A/N |
Codes | Geographic Component |
00 | Not a geographic component |
01 | Urban |
02 | Urban-in central place of urban area |
03 | Urban-not in central place of urban area |
04 | Urban-in urbanized area |
05 | Urban-in urbanized area of 5,000,000 or more population |
06 | Urban-in urbanized area of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population |
07 | Urban-in urbanized area of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population |
08 | Urban-in urbanized area of 500,000 to 999,999 population |
09 | Urban-in urbanized area of 250,000 to 499,999 population |
10 | Urban-in urbanized area of 100,000 to 249,999 population |
11 | Urban-in urbanized area of 50,000 to 99,999 population |
12 | Urban-in urbanized area-in central place of urbanized area |
13 | Urban-in urbanized area of 5,000,000 or more population-in central place of urbanized area |
14 | Urban-in urbanized area of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
15 | Urban-in urbanized area of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
16 | Urban-in urbanized area of 500,000 to 999,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
17 | Urban-in urbanized area of 250,000 to 499,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
18 | Urban-in urbanized area of 100,000 to 249,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
19 | Urban-in urbanized area of 50,000 to 99,999 population-in central place of urbanized area |
20 | Urban-in urbanized area-not in central place of urbanized area |
21 | Urban-in urbanized area of 5,000,000 or more population-not in central place of urbanized area |
22 | Urban-in urbanized area of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
23 | Urban-in urbanized area of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
24 | Urban-in urbanized area of 500,000 to 999,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
25 | Urban-in urbanized area of 250,000 to 499,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
26 | Urban-in urbanized area of 100,000 to 249,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
27 | Urban-in urbanized area of 50,000 to 99,999 population-not in central place of urbanized area |
28 | Urban-in urban cluster |
29 | Urban-in urban cluster of 25,000 to 49,999 population |
30 | Urban-in urban cluster of 10,000 to 24,999 population |
31 | Urban-in urban cluster of 5,000 to 9,999 population |
32 | Urban-in urban cluster of 2,500 to 4,999 population |
33 | Urban-in urban cluster-inside central place |
34 | Urban-in urban cluster of 25,000 to 49,999 population-inside central place |
35 | Urban-in urban cluster of 10,000 to 24,999 population-inside central place |
36 | Urban-in urban cluster of 5,000 to 9,999 population-inside central place |
37 | Urban-in urban cluster of 2,500 to 4,999 population-inside central place |
38 | Urban-in urban cluster-not in central place |
39 | Urban-in urban cluster of 25,000 to 49,999 population-not in central place |
40 | Urban-in urban cluster of 10,000 to 24,999 population-not in central place |
41 | Urban-in urban cluster of 5,000 to 9,999 population-not in central place |
42 | Urban-in urban cluster of 2,500 to 4,999 population-not in central place |
43 | Rural |
44 | Rural-place |
45 | Rural-place of 2,500 or more population |
46 | Rural-place of 1,000 to 2,499 population |
47 | Rural-place of less than 1,000 population |
48 | Rural-not in place |
49 | Rural-farm |
50 | Urban portion of extended city |
51 | Rural portion of extended city |
52 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) |
53 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 5,000,000 or more population |
54 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population |
55 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population |
56 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 500,000 to 999,999 population |
57 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 250,000 to 499,999 population |
58 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 100,000 to 249,999 population |
59 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 50,000 to 99,999 population |
60 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- urban |
61 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- urban-in urbanized area |
62 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- urban-in urban cluster |
63 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- rural |
64 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)-in MSA/CMSA central city |
65 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 5,000,000 or more population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
66 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
67 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
68 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 500,000 to 999,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
69 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 250,000 to 499,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
70 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 100,000 to 249,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
71 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 50,000 to 99,999 population-in MSA/CMSA central city |
72 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- not in MSA/CMSA central city |
73 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 5,000,000 or more population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
74 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 2,500,000 to 4,999,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
75 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 1,000,000 to 2,499,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
76 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 500,000 to 999,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
77 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 250,000 to 499,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
78 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 100,000 to 249,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
79 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) of 50,000 to 99,999 population-not in MSA/CMSA central city |
80 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- not in MSA/CMSA central city-urban |
81 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- not in MSA/CMSA central city-urban-in urbanized area |
82 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- not in MSA/CMSA central city-urban-in urban cluster |
83 | In metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)- not in MSA/CMSA central city-rural |
84 | Not in metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) |
85 | Not in metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)-urban |
86 | Not in metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)-urban-inside urbanized area |
87 | Not in metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)-urban-inside urban cluster |
88 | Not in metropolitan statistical area (MSA)/consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA)-rural |
89 | American Indian reservation and trust land-Federal Tribe |
90 | American Indian reservation and trust land-State Tribe |
91 | Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area |
92 | Tribal Designated Statistical Area |
93 | Alaska Native Village Statistical Area |
94 | State Designated American Indian Statistical Area |
95 | Hawaiian Home Land |
96 | In New England County Metropolitan Area |
97 | In New England County Metropolitan Area-in central city |
98 | In New England County Metropolitan Area-not in central city |
00 | (none)-nation; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
01 | (none)-state or state equivalent; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
03 | City and Borough-Legal county equivalent in Alaska; "City and Borough" is appended to the name of the entity. |
04 | Borough-Legal county equivalent in Alaska; "Borough" is appended to the name of the entity. |
05 | Census area-Statistical county equivalent in Alaska; "Census Area" is appended to the name of the entity. |
06 | County-Legal county in 48 states; "County" is appended to the name of the entity. |
07 | District-Legal county equivalent in American Samoa; "District" is appended to the name of the entity. |
08 | Independent city-legal county equivalent in Maryland, Missouri, and Virginia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity. |
09 | (none)-Independent city that is a legal county equivalent in Nevada; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
10 | Island-Legal county equivalent in the Virgin Islands (U.S.); "Island" is appended to the name of the entity. |
11 | (none)-Legal county equivalent in American Samoa; "Island" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
12 | Municipality-Legal county equivalent in Alaska and the Northern Mariana Islands; "Municipality" is appended to the name of the entity. |
13 | Municipio-Legal county equivalent in Puerto Rico; "Municipio" is appended to the name of the entity. |
14 | (none)-Legal county equivalent, used at county level for District of Columbia and Guam; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
15 | Parish-Legal county equivalent in Louisiana; "Parish" is appended to the name of the entity. |
19 | Reservation-Legal county subdivision equivalent in Maine and New York (coextensive with all or part of an American Indian reservation); "Reservation" is appended to the name of the entity. |
20 | Barrio-Legal county subdivision in Puerto Rico; "barrio" is appended to the name of the entity. |
21 | Borough-legal county subdivision in New York; legal county subdivision equivalent in New Jersey and Pennsylvania; "borough" is appended to the name of the entity. |
22 | CCD-Census county divisions are statistical area county subdivision equivalents in 21 states; "CCD" is appended to the name of the entity. |
23 | Census subarea-Statistical area county subdivision equivalent in Alaska; "census subarea" is appended to the name of the entity. |
24 | Census subdistrict-legal county subdivision equivalent in the Virgin Islands (U.S.); "subdistrict" is appended to the name of the entity. |
25 | City-Legal county subdivision equivalent in 20 states and the District of Columbia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity. |
26 | County-Legal county subdivision in American Samoa; "county" is appended to the name of the entity. |
27 | District-Legal county subdivision in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands; "district" is appended to the name of the entity. The description may refer to an election, magisterial, municipal, or road district. |
28 | (none)-Legal county subdivision in Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Virginia, West Virginia, and the Northern Mariana Islands; "District" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. The description may refer to an assessment, election, magisterial, supervisors, parish governing authority, or municipal district. |
29 | Precinct-Legal county subdivision in Illinois and Nebraska; "precinct" is appended to the name of the entity. The description refers to an election precinct. |
30 | (none)-Legal county subdivision in Illinois and Nebraska. "Precinct" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. The description refers to an election precinct. of the entity. the name of the entity. |
33 | Independent city-Legal county subdivision equivalent in Maryland, Missouri, and Virginia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity. |
34 | (none)-Independent city that is a legal county subdivision equivalent in Nevada. "City" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
35 | (none)-Legal county subdivision in American Samoa; "Island" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
36 | Location-Legal county subdivision in New Hampshire; "location" is appended to the name of the entity. |
38 | (none)-Legal county subdivision equivalent for Arlington County, Virginia; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
39 | Plantation-Legal county subdivision in Maine; "plantation" is appended to the name of the entity. |
40 | (none)-Legal county subdivision not defined; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
41 | Barrio-pueblo-Legal county subdivision in Puerto Rico; "barrio-pueblo" is appended to the name of the entity. |
42 | Purchase-Legal county subdivision in New Hampshire; "purchase" is appended to the name of the entity. |
43 | Town-Legal county subdivision in eight states, legal county subdivision equivalent in New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota. The description "town" is appended to the name of the entity. |
44 | Township-Legal county subdivision in 16 states; "township" is appended to the name of the entity. |
45 | (none)-Legal county subdivision in Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Carolina; "Township" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
46 | Unorganized territory-statistical area county subdivision in ten states; "UT" is appended to the name of the entity. |
47 | Village-Legal county subdivision equivalent in New Jersey, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin; "village" is appended to the name of the entity. |
49 | Charter township-Legal county subdivision in Michigan; "charter township" is appended to the name of the entity. |
51 | Subbarrio-Sub-MCD in Puerto Rico; "subbarrio" is appended to the name of the entity. |
53 | City and Borough-Incorporated place in Alaska; "city and borough" is appended to the name of the entity. |
54 | Municipality-Incorporated place in Alaska; "municipality" is appended to the name of the entity. |
55 | Comunidad-statistical area place in Puerto Rico; "comunidad" is appended to the name of the entity. |
56 | Borough-Incorporated place in Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; "borough" is appended to the name of the entity. |
57 | CDP-Census designated places (CDPs) are statistical area places in all 50 states, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands (U.S.); "CDP" is appended to the name of the entity. |
58 | City-Incorporated place in 49 states (not Hawaii) and the District of Columbia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity. |
59 | (none)-Incorporated place having no legal description in three states; place equivalent in five states. Some places have a unique description, no description, or description included with the name, as follows: Athens-Clarke County (balance) (Georgia): |
"Unified Government of Athens-Clarke County" | |
Augusta-Richmond County (balance) (Georgia): (no description appended) | |
Anaconda-Deer Lodge County (Montana): incorporated municipality | |
Butte-Silver Bow (balance) (Montana): (no description appended) | |
Carson City, Nevada: (no description appended) | |
Columbus city (balance) (Georgia) | |
Indianapolis city (balance) (Indiana): (no description appended) | |
Lexington-Fayette (Kentucky): Urban County Government | |
Nashville and Davidson County (balance) (Tennessee): "Metropolitan Government of | |
Nashville and Davidson County" | |
60 | Town-Incorporated place in 30 states and the Virgin Islands (U.S.); "town" is appended to the name of the entity. |
61 | Village-Incorporated place in 20 states and traditional place in American Samoa; "village" is appended to the name of the entity. |
62 | Zona urbana-Statistical area place in Puerto Rico; "zona urbana" is appended to the name of the entity. |
65 | City-Consolidated city in Connecticut, Georgia, and Indiana; "city" is appended to the name of the entity. |
66 | (none)-Some consolidated cities have unique descriptions or no descriptions, as follows: |
Athens-Clarke County (Georgia): "Unified Government of Athens-Clarke County" | |
Augusta-Richmond County (Georgia): (no description appended) | |
Butte-Silver Bow (Montana): (no description appended) | |
Nashville-Davidson (Tennessee): "Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County" | |
68 | Region-Census region; "Region" is appended to the name of the entity. |
69 | Division-Census division; "Division" is appended to the name of the entity. |
70 | Urban growth area (UGA)-Only in Oregon; "urban growth area" is appended to the name of the entity. |
71 | CMSA-Consolidated metropolitan statistical area; "CMSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
72 | MSA-Metropolitan statistical area; "MSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
73 | PMSA-Primary metropolitan statistical area; "PMSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
74 | NECMA-New England county metropolitan area; "NECMA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
75 | Urbanized area (UA); "Urbanized Area" is appended to the name of the entity. |
76 | Urban cluster (UC); "Urban Cluster" is appended to the name of the entity. |
77 | Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC); "Alaska Native Regional Corporation" is appended to the name of the entity. |
78 | Hawaiian home land; "Home Land" is appended to the name of the entity. |
79 | Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA); "ANVSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
80 | Tribal designated statistical area (TDSA); "TDSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
81 | Colony-American Indian reservation; "Colony" is appended to the name of the entity. |
82 | Community-American Indian reservation; "Community" is appended to the name of the entity. |
83 | Joint use area-American Indian reservation equivalent; "joint use area" is appended to the name of the entity. |
84 | Pueblo-American Indian reservation; "Pueblo" is appended to the name of the entity. |
85 | Rancheria-American Indian reservation; "Rancheria" is appended to the name of the entity. |
86 | Reservation-American Indian reservation; "Reservation" is appended to the name of the entity. |
87 | Reserve-American Indian reservation; "Reserve" is appended to the name of the entity. |
88 | Oklahoma tribal statistical area (OTSA); "OTSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
89 | Trust land only entity-American Indian reservation equivalent; "Trust Land" is appended to the name of the entity. |
90 | Joint use area OTSA-Joint use area of Oklahoma tribal statistical area (OTSA); "joint use OTSA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
91 | Ranch-American Indian reservation; "Ranch" is appended to the name of the entity. |
92 | State designated American Indian statistical area (SDAISA); "SDAISA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
93 | Indian village-American Indian reservation; "Indian Village" is appended to the name of the entity. |
94 | Village-American Indian reservation; "Village" is appended to the name of the entity. |
95 | Indian community-American Indian reservation; "Indian Community" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T1 | (none)-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Area" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
T2 | Chapter-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Chapter" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T3 | Community-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Community" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T4 | District-American Indian tribal subdivision; "District" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T5 | (none)-American Indian tribal subdivision; "District" is part of the name and is not appended to the name of the entity. |
T6 | Segment-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Segment" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T7 | Tract-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Tract" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T8 | Agency-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Agency" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T9 | Parcel-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Parcel" is appended to the name of the entity. |
T0 | Precinct-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Precinct" is appended to the name of the entity. |
U1 | Region-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Region" is appended to the name of the entity. |
U2 | Township-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Township" is appended to the name of the entity. |
U3 | Village-American Indian tribal subdivision; "Village" is appended to the name of the entity. |
C1 | Congressional district; "Congressional District (at Large)" is appended to the name of the entity. |
C2 | Congressional district; "Congressional District" is appended to the name of the entity. |
C3 | Congressional district; "Resident Commissioner District (at Large)" is appended to the name of the entity. |
C4 | Congressional district; "Delegate District (at Large)" is appended to the name of the entity. |
C5 | Congressional district; "No Representative" is appended to the name of the entity. |
LL | State legislative district-lower chamber; "State House District" is prefixed to the name of the entity. No legislative districts exist in the following states/state equivalents: |
Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, Texas, and the Island Areas. | |
LU | State legislative district-upper chamber; "State Senate District" is prefixed to the name of the entity. No legislative districts exist in the following states/state equivalents: |
Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, Puerto Rico, Texas, and the Island Areas. | |
V0 | (none)-Descriptions, such as "Precinct" and "Voting District", are part of the name and are not prefixed or appended to the name of the entity. No 2000 voting districts exist in the following states/state equivalents: |
California, Florida, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Wisconsin, and the Island Areas. | |
V1 | Voting district; "Voting District" is prefixed to the name of the entity. No 2000 voting districts exist in the following states/state equivalents: |
California, Florida, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Wisconsin and the Island Areas. | |
V2 | Voting district; "Voting District" is appended to the name of the entity. No 2000 voting districts exist in the following states/state equivalents: |
California, Florida, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Wisconsin, and the Island Areas. | |
P1 | (none)-1% public-use microdata file; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
P5 | (none)-5% public-use microdata file; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
PK | (none)-Park landmark; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S1 | (none)-Elementary school district; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S2 | (none)-Secondary school district; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S3 | (none)-Unitary school district; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S4 | (none)-Administrative school area in Hawaii and New York city only; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S5 | (none)-Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) school area; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S6 | (none)-Department of Defense (DOD) school area; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
S7 | (none)-Areas not coded to a school district; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
TZ | (none)-Traffic analysis zone; no description is appended to the name of the entity. |
Z3 | ZIP Code® tabulation area (3-Digit); "3-Digit ZCTA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
Z5 | ZIP Code® tabulation area (5-Digit); "5-Digit ZCTA" is appended to the name of the entity. |
Five-Digit ZCTAs may include codes ending in "XX" and "HH". |