We're happy to announce that we've processed and published the American Community Survey (ACS) 2022 5-Year Estimates. As with everything we do, our goal is to empower data scientists, researchers, and academics with the most up-to-date and comprehensive demographic and census data. The Power of ACS 2022 5-Year Estimates The ACS 5-Year Estimates provide a
Documentation: | Census 2010 |
Document: | Summary File 1 Technical Documentation |
citation: | Social Explorer, U.S. Census Bureau; 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary File 1: Technical Documentation, Issued June 2011. |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
RecordCodes | |||||
File Identification1 | FILEID | 6 | 1 | A/N | |
SF1ST | 2010 Census Summary File 1 State | ||||
SF1US | 2010 Census Summary File 1 National | ||||
State/U.S.-Abbreviation(USPS) | STUSAB | 2 | 7 | A | |
AK | Alaska | ||||
AL | Alabama | ||||
AR | Arkansas | ||||
AS | AmericanSamoa | ||||
AZ | Arizona | ||||
CA | California | ||||
CO | Colorado | ||||
CT | Connecticut | ||||
DC | DistrictofColumbia | ||||
DE | Delaware | ||||
FL | Florida | ||||
GA | Georgia | ||||
GU | Guam | ||||
HI | Hawaii | ||||
IA | Iowa | ||||
ID | Idaho | ||||
IL | Illinois | ||||
IN | Indiana | ||||
KS | Kansas | ||||
KY | Kentucky | ||||
LA | Louisiana | ||||
MA | Massachusetts | ||||
MDME | MarylandMaine | ||||
MIMN | MichiganMinnesota | ||||
MP | NorthernMarianaIslands | ||||
MO | Missouri | ||||
MS | Mississippi | ||||
MT | Montana | ||||
NC | NorthCarolina | ||||
ND | NorthDakota | ||||
NE | Nebraska | ||||
NH | NewHampshire | ||||
NJ | NewJersey | ||||
NM | NewMexico | ||||
NV | Nevada | ||||
NY | NewYork | ||||
OH | Ohio | ||||
OK | Oklahoma | ||||
OR | Oregon | ||||
PA | Pennsylvania | ||||
PR | PuertoRico | ||||
RI | RhodeIsland | ||||
SC | SouthCarolina | ||||
SD | SouthDakota | ||||
TN | Tennessee | ||||
TX | Texas | ||||
US | UnitedStates | ||||
UT | Utah | ||||
VA | Virginia | ||||
VI | VirginIslandsoftheUnitedStates | ||||
VT | Vermont | ||||
WA | Washington | ||||
WI | Wisconsin | ||||
WV | WestVirginia | ||||
WY | Wyoming | ||||
Summary Level2 | SUMLEV | 3 | 9 | N | |
Geographic Component3 | GEOCOMP | 2 | 12 | A/N | |
Characteristic Iteration4 000Not a characteristic iteration |
CHARITER | 3 | 14 | A/N | |
Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number5 | CIFSN | 2 | 17 | A/N | |
Logical Record Number6 | LOGRECNO | 7 | 19 | N |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Geographic Area Codes | |||||
Region7 | REGION | 1 | 26 | A/N | |
1 | Northeast | ||||
2 | Midwest | ||||
3 | South | ||||
4 | West | ||||
9 | Not in a region (Puerto Rico) | ||||
Division7 | DIVISION | 1 | 27 | A/N | |
0 | Not in a division (Puerto Rico) | ||||
1 | New England | ||||
2 | Middle Atlantic | ||||
3 | East North Central | ||||
4 | West North Central | ||||
5 | South Atlantic | ||||
6 | East South Central | ||||
7 | West South Central | ||||
8 | Mountain | ||||
9 | Pacific | ||||
State(FIPS)7,8 | STATE | 2 | 28 | A/N | |
01 | Alabama | ||||
02 | Alaska | ||||
04 | Arizona | ||||
05 | Arkansas | ||||
06 | California | ||||
08 | Colorado | ||||
09 | Connecticut | ||||
10 | Delaware | ||||
11 | District of Columbia | ||||
12 | Florida | ||||
13 | Georgia | ||||
15 | Hawaii | ||||
16 | Idaho | ||||
17 | Illinois | ||||
18 | Indiana | ||||
19 | Iowa | ||||
20 | Kansas | ||||
21 | Kentucky | ||||
22 | Louisiana | ||||
23 | Maine | ||||
24 | Maryland | ||||
25 | Massachusetts | ||||
26 | Michigan | ||||
27 | Minnesota | ||||
28 | Mississippi | ||||
29 | Missouri | ||||
30 | Montana | ||||
31 | Nebraska | ||||
32 | Nevada | ||||
33 | New Hampshire | ||||
34 | New Jersey | ||||
35 | New Mexico | ||||
36 | New York | ||||
37 | North Carolina | ||||
38 | North Dakota | ||||
39 | Ohio | ||||
40 | Oklahoma | ||||
41 | Oregon | ||||
42 | Pennsylvania | ||||
44 | RhodeIsland | ||||
45 | South Carolina | ||||
46 | South Dakota | ||||
47 | Tennessee | ||||
48 | Texas | ||||
49 | Utah | ||||
50 | Vermont | ||||
51 | Virginia | ||||
53 | Washington | ||||
54 | West Virginia | ||||
55 | Wisconsin | ||||
56 | Wyoming | ||||
60 | American Samoa | ||||
66 | Guam | ||||
69 | Northern Mariana Islands | ||||
72 | Puerto Rico | ||||
County7,8 | COUNTY | 3 | 30 | A/N | |
001-507 | County or equivalent area code | ||||
510-840 | Independent city code | ||||
FIPS County Class Code8 | COUNTYCC | 2 | 33 | A/N | |
C7 | An incorporated place that is independent of any county | ||||
H1 | An active county or equivalent area | ||||
H4 | An inactive county or equivalent area | ||||
H5 | A statistical county equivalent area | ||||
H6 | A county or equivalent feature that has consolidated its government with an incorporated place | ||||
County Size Code9 | COUNTYSC | 2 | 35 | A/N | |
County Subdivision (FIPS)7,8 | COUSUB | 5 | 35 | A/N | |
00000 | Water area not assigned to a county subdivision | ||||
00001 - 89999 | County subdivision in a state-level entity with governmental entities and in Alaska and Puerto Rico | ||||
90000 - 98999 | County subdivision in a state with administrative or statistical entities (excluding Alaska and Puerto Rico) | ||||
FIPS County Subdivision Class Code8 | COUSUBCC | 2 | 42 | A/N | |
C2 | An active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with a county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision (an independent place) | ||||
C5 | An active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent (an independent place) |
C7 | An incorporated place that is independent of any county (an independent city) |
T1 | An active county subdivision that is not coextensive with an incorporated place | ||||
T2 | An active county subdivision that is coextensive with a census designated place | ||||
T5 | An active county subdivision that is coextensive with an incorporated place | ||||
T9 | An inactive county subdivision | ||||
Z1 | A nonfunctioning county subdivision | ||||
Z2 | A county subdivision that is coextensive with or wholly contained within a legal American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian area and is independent of any other county subdivision | ||||
Z3 | A county subdivision defined as a statistical unorganized territory | ||||
Z5 | A statistical census county division (CCD) or census subarea (Alaska only) | ||||
Z7 | An active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with or independent of any county subdivision in a state with only nonfunctioning county subdivisions (an independent place) | ||||
Z9 | Water area not assigned to a county subdivision | ||||
County Subdivision Size Code9 | COUSUBSC | 2 | 44 | A/N | |
Place(FIPS)7,8 | PLACE | 5 | 46 | A/N | |
00001 - 89999 | Incorporated place or census designated place (CDP) | ||||
FIPS Place Class Code8 | PLACECC | 2 | 51 | A/N | |
C1 | An active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent | ||||
C2 | An active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with a county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision (an independent place) | ||||
C5 | An active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent (an independent place) | ||||
C6 | An active incorporated place that is partially independent of any county subdivision and partially dependent within a legal county subdivision (exists in Iowa and Ohio only) | ||||
C7 | An incorporated place that is independent of any county (an independent city) | ||||
C8 | The balance of a consolidated city excluding the separately incorporated place(s) within that consolidated government | ||||
C9 | An inactive or nonfunctioning incorporated place | ||||
M2 | A census designated place (CDP) defined within a military or Coast Guard installation | ||||
U1 | A census designated place (CDP) with a name officially recognized by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for a populated place | ||||
U2 | A census designated place (CDP) with a name not officially recognized by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for a populated place | ||||
Place Size Code9 | PLACESC | 2 | 53 | A/N | |
Census Tract7 | TRACT | 6 | 55 | A/N | |
000100 - 998999 | Census tract | ||||
Block Group7 | BLKGRP | 1 | 61 | A/N | |
0 | Block group (water area only) | ||||
1 - 9 | Block group (land or land and water area) | ||||
Block7 | BLOCK | 4 | 62 | A/N | |
0001 - 0999 | Block in a water area only block group | ||||
1000 - 9999 | Block (can be all land, all water, or mixed) | ||||
Internal Use Code10 | IUC | 2 | 66 | A/N | |
Consolidated City (FIPS)7,8 | CONCIT | 5 | 68 | A/N | |
03436 | Athens-Clarke County,Georgia | ||||
04200 | Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia | ||||
11390 | Butte-Silver Bow, Montana | ||||
36000 | Indianapolis, Indiana | ||||
47500 | Milford, Connecticut | ||||
48003 | Louisville/Jefferson County, Kentucky | ||||
52004 | Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee | ||||
FIPS Consolidated City Class Code8 | CONCITCC | 2 | 73 | A/N | |
C3 | Consolidated city | ||||
Consolidated City Size Code9 | CONCITSC | 2 | 75 | A/N | |
American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian HomeLand (FIPS)7,8,11 | AIANHHFP | 5 | 81 | A/N | |
00001 - 89999 | American Indian area, Alaska Native area, or Hawaiian home land | ||||
FIPS American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian HomeLand Class Code8 | AIANHHCC | 2 | 86 | A/N | |
D0 | Statistical or legal area administered and/or claimed by two or more American Indian tribes | ||||
D1 | Legal federally recognized American Indian area consisting of reservation and associatedoff-reservation trust land | ||||
D2 | Legal federally recognized American Indian area consisting of reservation only | ||||
D3 | Legal federally recognized American Indian area consisting of off-reservation trust land only | ||||
D4 | Legal state-recognized American Indian reservation | ||||
D5 | The off-reservation trust land portion of an American Indian area with both a reservation andoff-reservation trust land | ||||
D6 | Statistical American Indian area defined for a federally recognized tribe that does not have areservation or off-reservation trust land, specifically a tribal designated statistical area (TDSA) orOklahoma tribal statistical area (OTSA) | ||||
D8 | The reservation portion of an American Indian area with both a reservation and off-reservationtrust land | ||||
D9 | Statistical American Indian area defined for a state-recognized tribe that does not have areservation or off-reservation trust land, specifically a state designated tribal statistical area | ||||
E1 | Alaska Native village statistical area | ||||
F1 | Hawaiian home land | ||||
American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator | AIHHTLI | 1 | 88 | A/N | |
R | American Indian reservation or statistical entity only | ||||
T | American Indian off-reservation trust land only or Hawaiian home land | ||||
M | American Indian reservation and off-reservation trust land | ||||
9 | Not in an American Indian area or Hawaiian home land | ||||
American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)7 | AITSCE | 3 | 89 | A/N | |
001 - 998 | American Indian tribal subdivision | ||||
American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS)7,8,11 | AITS | 5 | 92 | A/N | |
00001 - 89999 | American Indian tribal subdivision | ||||
FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code8 | AITSCC | 2 | 97 | A/N | |
D7 | American Indian Tribal Subdivision | AITSCC | 2 | 97 | A/N |
Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)6,7 | ANRC | 5 | 100 | A/N | |
Tribal Census Tract | TTRACT | 6 | 99 | A/N | |
T00100 - T98999 | Tribal census tract | ||||
Tribal Block Group | TBLKGRP | 1 | 105 | A/N | |
A - H, J, K | Tribal block group | ||||
Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)7,8 | ANRC | 5 | 100 | A/N | |
00590 | Ahtna | ||||
01570 | Aleut | ||||
03950 | Arctic Slope | ||||
06370 | Bering Straits | ||||
09040 | Bristol Bay | ||||
09800 | Calista | ||||
14410 | Chugach | ||||
17140 | Cook Inlet | ||||
20010 | Doyon | ||||
41640 | Koniag | ||||
52120 | NANA | ||||
67940 | Sealaska | ||||
FIPS Alaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code8 | ANRCCC | 2 | 111 | A/N | |
E7 | Alaska Native Regional Corporation | ||||
Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area7,8 | CBSA | 5 | 113 | A/N | |
10000 - 49999 | Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area (cannot end in - œ4 - ) | ||||
Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Size Code9 | CBSASC | 2 | 118 | A/N | |
Metropolitan Division7,8 | METDIV | 5 | 120 | A/N | |
10004 - 49994 | Metropolitan Division (always ends in - œ4 - ) | ||||
Combined Statistical Area7,8 | CSA | 3 | 125 | A/N | |
100 - 599 | Combined Statistical Area | ||||
New England City and Town Area7,8 | NECTA | 5 | 128 | A/N | |
70000 - 79999 | New England City and Town Area (cannot end in - œ4 - ) | ||||
New England City and Town Area Size Code9 | NECTASC | 2 | 133 | A/N | |
New England City and Town Area Division7,8 | NECTADIV | 5 | 135 | A/N | |
70004 - 79994 | New England City and Town Area Division (always ends in - œ4 - ) | ||||
Combined New England City and Town Area7,8 | CNECTA | 3 | 140 | A/N | |
700 - 799 | Combined New England City and Town Area | ||||
Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Principal City Indicator7 | CBSAPCI | 1 | 143 | A/N | |
Y | Place is a principal city of a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area | ||||
N | Place is not a principal city of a metropolitan or micropolitan statistical area | ||||
9 | Not in a place | ||||
New England City and Town Area Principal City Indicator7 | NECTAPCI | 1 | 144 | A/N | |
Y | Place is a principal city of a New England city and town area | ||||
N | Place is not a principal city of a New England city and town area | ||||
9 | Not in a place | ||||
Urban Area9,12 | UA | 5 | 145 | A/N | |
00001 - 98999 | Urbanized area or urban cluster | ||||
Urban Area Size Code9,12 | UASC | 2 | 150 | A/N | |
Urban Area Type7,12 | UATYPE | 1 | 152 | A/N | |
U | Urbanized area | ||||
C | Urban cluster | ||||
9 | Not in an urban area | ||||
Urban/Rural7,12 | UR | 1 | 153 | A/N | |
U | Area is classified as urban | ||||
R | Area is classified as rural | ||||
M | Mixed - part is classified as urban and part is classified as rural | ||||
Congressional District(111th)7,8,13 | CD | 2 | 154 | A/N | |
01-53 | The actual Congressional District number | ||||
00 | Applies to states whose representative is elected "at large";i.e., the state has only one representative in the United States House of Representatives | ||||
98 | Applies to areas that have an "at large" nonvoting delegate or resident commissioner in the United States House of Representatives | ||||
2 blanks | Applies to areas where no Congressional District was assigned | ||||
State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 1)7,14 | SLDU | 3 | 156 | A/N | |
State Legislative District(Lower Chamber) (Year 1)7,14 | SLDL | 3 | 159 | A/N | |
Voting District7,15 | VTD | 6 | 162 | A/N | |
Voting District Indicator7 | VTDI | 1 | 168 | A/N | |
A | Actual | ||||
P | Pseudo (adjusted) | ||||
Blank | Voting districts not defined (entire state or county) | ||||
Reserved | RESERVE2 | 3 | 169 | A/N | |
ZIP Code Tabulation Area(5 digit)7,12 | ZCTA5 | 5 | 172 | A/N | |
Subminor Civil Division (FIPS)7,8 | SUBMCD | 5 | 177 | A/N | |
00001 - 89999 | Subbarrio (Puerto Rico only) | ||||
FIPS Subminor Civil Division Class Code8 | SUBMCDCC | 2 | 182 | A/N | |
Z6 | Subbarrio (Puerto Rico only) | ||||
School District (Elementary)7 | SDELM | 5 | 184 | A/N | |
00001 - 99996 | School district | ||||
School District (Secondary)7 | SDSEC | 5 | 189 | A/N | |
00001 - 99996 | School district | ||||
School District (Unified)7 | SDUNI | 5 | 194 | A/N | |
00001 - 99996 | School district | ||||
99997 | School district not defined (land area) | ||||
99998 | School district not defined (water area only) |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Area Characteristics | |||||
Area(Land)16 | AREALAND | 14 | 199 | A/N | |
Area(Water)17 | AREAWATR | 14 | 213 | A/N | |
Area Name-Legal/Statistical Area Description(LSAD)Term-Part Indicator18 | NAME | 90 | 227 | A/N | |
Functional Status Code | FUNCSTAT | 1 | 317 | A/N | |
A | Active government providing primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
B | Active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
C | Active government that is consolidated with another government that has the same officials providing primary general-purpose functions. Functional status C is assigned to the nonprimary entity. | ||||
E | Active government providing special-purpose functions. | ||||
F | Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau's geographic hierarchy that is coextensive or nearly so with another governmental unit. | ||||
G | Active government that is fiscally or administratively subordinate to another unit of government that provides primary general-purpose functions; not classified as a government by the Census Bureau's Governments Division. | ||||
I | Inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary general-purpose functions. | ||||
N | Nonfunctioning legal entity (not a governmental unit) | ||||
S | Statistical entity. | ||||
Geographic Change User Note Indicator | GCUNI | 1 | 318 | A/N | |
Y | Geographic change user note exists for this entity | ||||
N | No geographic change user note exists for this entity | ||||
Population Count(100%)19 | POP100 | 9 | 319 | A/N | |
Housing Unit Count(100%)20 | HU100 | 9 | 328 | A/N | |
Internal Point(Latitude)21 | INTPTLAT | 11 | 337 | A/N | |
Internal Point(Longitude)22 | INTPTLON | 12 | 348 | A/N | |
Legal/Statistical Area Description Code20 | LSADC | 2 | 360 | A/N | |
00 | None - no legal/statistical area description exists; no text is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
03 | City and borough - legal county equivalent in Alaska (Juneau, Sitka, Wrangell, and Yakutat); "City and Borough" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
04 | Borough - county equivalent in Alaska; "Borough" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
05 | Census area - statistical county equivalent in Alaska; "Census Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
06 | County - legal division of 48 states; "County" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
07 | District - 1) legal tribal subdivision in Arizona, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota; 2) state legislative district (upper chamber) in Massachusetts; and 3) state legislative district (lower chamber) in Massachusetts; "District" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
12 | Municipality - legal county equivalent in Alaska (Anchorage and Skagway); "Municipality" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
13 | Municipio - legal county equivalent in Puerto Rico; "Municipio" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
15 | Parish - legal county equivalent in Louisiana; "Parish" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
20 | Barrio - minor civil division (MCD) in Puerto Rico; "barrio" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
21 | Borough - 1) minor civil division (MCD) in New York; 2) MCD equivalent (independent place) in New Jersey and Pennsylvania; 3) incorporated place in Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; "borough" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
22 | Census county division (CCD) - statistical county subdivision in 20 states; "CCD" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
23 | Census subarea - statistical county subdivision in Alaska; "census subarea" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
25 | City - 1) legal county equivalent in Maryland, Missouri, and Virginia (independent city); 2) minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in 23 states and the District of Columbia (independent place); 3) incorporated place in 49 states and the District of Columbia; 4) consolidated city in Connecticut (Milford) and Indiana (Indianapolis); "city" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
27 | District (election, magisterial) - minor civil division (MCD) in Virginia and West Virginia; "district" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
28 | District (commissioner, election, magisterial, supervisors', or parish governing authority) - 1) minor civil division (MCD) in Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia; 2) tribal subdivision in Arizona and South Dakota; "District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
29 | Election precinct - minor civil division (MCD) in Illinois and Nebraska; "precinct" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
30 | Election precinct - minor civil division (MCD) in Illinois and Nebraska; "Precinct" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
31 | Gore - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine and Vermont; "gore" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
32 | Grant - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire and Vermont; "grant" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
36 | Location - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire; "location" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
37 | Municipality - 1) minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in Pennsylvania (independent place); 2) incorporated place in Alaska (Anchorage) and Pennsylvania; "municipality" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
39 | Plantation - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine; "plantation" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
41 | Barrio-pueblo - minor civil division (MCD) in Puerto Rico; "barrio-pueblo" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
42 | Purchase - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire; "purchase" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
43 | Town - 1) minor civil division (MCD) in eight states; 2) MCD equivalent in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota (independent place); 3) incorporated place in 30 states; "town" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
44 | Township - minor civil division (MCD) in 16 states; "township" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
45 | Township - minor civil division (MCD) in Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Carolina; "Township" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
46 | Unorganized territory - minor civil division (MCD) in nine states; "UT" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
47 | Village - 1) minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in New Jersey, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin (independent place); 2) incorporated place in 19 states; "village" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
49 | Charter township - minor civil division (MCD) in Michigan; "charter township" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
51 | Subbarrio - subminor civil division (sub-MCD) in Puerto Rico; "subbarrio" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
53 | City and borough - incorporated place in Alaska (Juneau, Sitka, and Wrangell); "city and borough" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
55 | Comunidad - statistical place (census designated place) in Puerto Rico; "comunidad" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
57 | Census designated place - statistical place in all 50 states; "CDP" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
62 | Zona urbana - statistical place (census designated place) in Puerto Rico; "zona urbana" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
68 | Census region - statistical division of the United States; "Region" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
69 | Census division - statistical division of the United States; "Division" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
70 | Urban growth area (UGA) - legal area in Oregon and Washington; "UGA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
75 | Urbanized area (UA) - statistical urban area in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; "Urbanized Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
76 | Urban cluster (UC) - statistical urban area in all 50 states and Puerto Rico; "Urban Cluster" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
77 | Alaska Native Regional Corporation - legal Alaska Native area in Alaska; "Alaska Native Regional Corporation" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
78 | Hawaiian home land - legal Native Hawaiian area in Hawaii; "Hawaiian Home Land" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
79 | Alaska Native village statistical area - statistical Alaska Native area in Alaska; "ANVSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
80 | Tribal designated statistical area - statistical American Indian reservation equivalent in California, New York, and Washington for federally recognized tribes without a legal land base outside of Oklahoma; "TDSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
81 | Colony - American Indian reservation in Nevada; "Colony" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
82 | Community - 1) American Indian reservation in California, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, and Wisconsin; "Community" is appended to the name of the entity; 2) American Indian tribal subdivision in North Carolina and Oklahoma | ||||
83 | Joint-use area - American Indian reservation equivalent in Kansas and New Mexico; "joint-use area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
84 | Pueblo - American Indian reservation in New Mexico and Texas; "Pueblo" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
85 | Rancheria - American Indian reservation in California; "Rancheria" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
86 | Reservation - 1) American Indian reservation in 34 states; 2) minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in Maine and New York; "Reservation" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
87 | Reserve - American Indian reservation in Alaska; "Reserve" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
88 | Oklahoma tribal statistical area - statistical American Indian reservation equivalent in Oklahoma; "OTSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
89 | Trust land - legal American Indian reservation equivalent in nine states; "Trust Land" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
90 | Joint-use Oklahoma tribal statistical area - statistical American Indian reservation equivalent in Oklahoma; "joint-use OTSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
91 | Ranch - American Indian reservation in Nevada; "Ranch" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
92 | State designated tribal statistical area - statistical American Indian reservation equivalent in Alabama, Delaware, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia; "SDTSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
93 | Indian village - American Indian reservation in California; "Indian Village" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
94 | Village - American Indian reservation in California and Oregon; "Village" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
95 | Indian community - American Indian reservation in Michigan and Minnesota; "Indian Community" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
96 | Indian reservation - American Indian reservation in Arizona, California, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington; "Indian Reservation" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
97 | Indian rancheria - American Indian reservation in California; "Indian Rancheria" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
98 | Indian colony - American Indian reservation in Nevada and Oregon; "Indian Colony" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
99 | Pueblo de - American Indian reservation in New Mexico; "Pueblo de" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
9C | Pueblo of - American Indian reservation in New Mexico; "Pueblo of" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
9D | Settlement - American Indian reservation in Iowa; "Settlement" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
BG | Block group - statistical area in the United States and Puerto Rico; "Block Group" is added before the name (code) of the entity | ||||
BK | Block - statistical area in the United States and Puerto Rico; "Block" is added before the name (code) of the entity | ||||
C1 | Congressional district (at large) - congressional district in a single-district state (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming); "Congressional District (at Large)" appears as the name of the entity | ||||
C2 | Congressional district - congressional district in a state with more than one district (43 states); "Congressional District" is added before the name (code) of the entity | ||||
C3 | Resident commissioner district (at large) - congressional district equivalent in Puerto Rico; "Resident Commissioner District (at Large)" appears as the name of the entity | ||||
C4 | Delegate district (at large) - congressional district equivalent in the District of Columbia; "Delegate District (at Large)" appears as the name of the entity | ||||
CG | Consolidated government - consolidated city in Georgia (Augusta-Richmond County); "consolidated government" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
CN | Corporation - incorporated place in West Virginia (Ranson); "corporation" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
CT | Census tract - statistical area in the United States and Puerto Rico; "Census Tract" is added before the name (modified code) of the entity | ||||
IB | Tribal block group - statistical area within specified legal American Indian areas; "Tribal Block Group" is added before the name (code) of the entity | ||||
IT | Tribal census tract - statistical area within specified legal American Indian areas; "Tribal Census Tract" is added before the name (modified code) of the entity | ||||
L1 | Ward - state legislative district (upper chamber) equivalent in the District of Columbia; "Ward" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
L2 | Senatorial district - state legislative district (upper chamber) in Nevada; "Senatorial District" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
L3 | Assembly district - state legislative district (lower chamber) in California, Nevada, New York, and Wisconsin; "Assembly District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
L4 | General assembly district - state legislative district (lower chamber) in New Jersey; "General Assembly District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
L5 | State legislative district - state legislative district (lower chamber) in Maryland; "State Legislative District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
L6 | State legislative subdistrict - state legislative district (lower chamber) in Maryland; "State Legislative Subdistrict" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
L8 | State senate district - state legislative district (upper chamber) in Vermont; "State Senate District" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
L9 | State house district - state legislative district (lower chamber) in Vermont; "State House District" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
LL | State house district - state legislative district (lower chamber) in 41 states and Puerto Rico; "State House District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
LU | State senate district - state legislative district (upper chamber) in 47 states and Puerto Rico; "State Senate District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
M0 | Combined statistical area - statistical area in 45 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; "CSA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M1 | Metropolitan statistical area - statistical area in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; "Metro Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M2 | Micropolitan statistical area - statistical area in 47 states and Puerto Rico; "Micro Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M3 | Metropolitan division - statistical area in 17 states and the District of Columbia; "Metro Division" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M4 | Combined New England city and town area - statistical area in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont; "Combined NECTA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M5 | Metropolitan New England city and town area - statistical area in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont; "Metropolitan NECTA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M6 | Micropolitan New England city and town area - statistical area in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont; "Micropolitan NECTA" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
M7 | New England city and town area division - statistical area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire; "NECTA Division" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
MG | Metropolitan government - 1) incorporated place in Tennessee (Lynchburg, Moore County); 2) consolidated city in Tennessee (Nashville-Davidson); "metropolitan government" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
MT | Metro government - consolidated city in Kentucky (Louisville/Jefferson County); "metro government" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
OT | Off-reservation trust land - trust land component of an American Indian reservation with associated trust land in 23 states; "Off-Reservation Trust Land" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
P5 | Public use microdata area (PUMA) - statistical area in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; "PUMA" is added before the name (code) of the entity | ||||
T1 | Area - American Indian tribal subdivision in Arizona and Utah; "Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
T2 | Chapter - American Indian tribal subdivision in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah; "Chapter" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
T3 | Segment - American Indian tribal subdivision in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota; "Segment" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
TA | Administrative area - American Indian tribal subdivision in Arizona; "Administrative Area" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
TB | Addition - American Indian tribal subdivision in Wisconsin; "Addition" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
TC | County district - statistical American Indian tribal subdivision in Oklahoma; "County District" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
UC | Urban county - incorporated place in Kentucky (Lexington-Fayette); "urban county" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
UG | Unified government - 1) incorporated place in Georgia (Cusseta-Chattahoochee County, Georgetown-Quitman County, and Webster County); 2) consolidated city in Georgia (Athens- Clarke County); "unified government" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
V1 | Voting district (VTD) - legal voting district in 32 states and Puerto Rico; "VTD" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
V2 | Voting district (VTD) - legal voting district in 32 states; "VTD" is appended to the name of the entity | ||||
Z5 | ZIP code tabulation area (5-digit) - statistical area in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; "ZCTA5" is added before the name of the entity | ||||
Part Flag | PARTFLAG | 1 | 362 | A/N | |
W | Not a part | ||||
P | Part |
Field name | Data dictionary refernce name | Field size | Starting position | Data Type | |
Special Area Codes | |||||
Reserved | RESERVE3 | 6 | 363 | A/N | |
Urban Growth Area7 | UGA | 5 | 369 | A/N | |
STATENS | 8 | 374 | A/N | ||
County (ANSI)8 | COUNTYNS | 8 | 382 | A/N | |
County Subdivision (ANSI)8 | COUSUBNS | 8 | 390 | A/N | |
Place (ANSI)8 | PLACENS | 8 | 398 | A/N | |
Consolidated City (ANSI)8 | CONCITNS | 8 | 406 | A/N | |
American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/ Hawaiian Home Land (ANSI)8 | AIANHHNS | 8 | 414 | A/N | |
American Indian Tribal Subdivision (ANSI)8 | AITSNS | 8 | 422 | A/N | |
Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANSI)8 | ANRCNS | 8 | 430 | A/N | |
Subminor Civil Division (ANSI)8 | SUBMCDNS | 8 | 438 | A/N | |
Congressional District (113th)7,8,23 | CD113 | 2 | 446 | A/N | |
01 - 53 | The actual congressional district number | ||||
00 | Applies to states whose representative is elected "at large"; the state has only one representative in the U.S. House of Representativ | ||||
98 | Applies to areas that have an "at large" nonvoting delegate or resident commissioner in the U.S. House of Representatives | ||||
Congressional District (114th)7,8,23 | CD114 | 2 | 448 | A/N | |
01 - 53 | The actual congressional district number | ||||
00 | Applies to states whose representative is elected "at large"; the state has only one representative in the U.S. House of Representatives | ||||
98 | Applies to areas that have an "at large" nonvoting delegate or resident commissioner in the U.S. House of Representatives | ||||
Congressional District (115th)7,8,23 | CD115 | 2 | 450 | A/N | |
01 - 53 | The actual congressional district number | ||||
00 | Applies to states whose representative is elected "at large"; the state has only onerepresentative in the U.S. House of Representatives | ||||
98 | Applies to areas that have an "at large" nonvoting delegate or resident commissioner in theU.S. House of Representatives | ||||
State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 2)7,24 | SLDU2 | 3 | 452 | A/N | |
State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)(Year 3)7,24 | SLDU3 | 3 | 455 | A/N | |
State Legislative District (Upper Chamber)(Year 4)7,24 | SLDU4 | 3 | 458 | A/N | |
State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 2)7,24 | SLDL2 | 3 | 461 | A/N | |
SLDL3 | 3 | 464 | A/N | ||
State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 4)7,24 | SLDL4 | 3 | 467 | A/N | |
American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/ Hawaiian Home Land Size Code9 | AIANHHSC | 2 | 470 | A/N | |
Combined Statistical Area Size Code9 | CSASC | 2 | 472 | A/N | |
Combined NECTA Size Code9 | CNECTASC | 2 | 474 | A/N | |
Metropolitan/Micropolitan Indicator | MEMI | 1 | 476 | A/N | |
1 | Metropolitan Statistical Area | ||||
2 | Micropolitan Statistical Area | ||||
9 | Not in a Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area | ||||
NECTA Metropolitan/Micropolitan Indicator | NMEMI | 1 | 477 | A/N | |
1 | Metropolitan New England City and Town Area | ||||
2 | Micropolitan New England City and Town Area | ||||
9 | Not in a New England City and Town Area | ||||
Public Use Microdata Area12 | PUMA | 5 | 478 | A/N | |
00001 - 99998 | Census PUMA Code | ||||
Reserved | RESERVED | 18 | 483 | A/N |