Reported in: Not applicable
Reported for: Not applicable
Question no.: Not applicable
Responses: Not applicable
Remarks: The MBM and the MBM disposable income were designed by a working group of federal, provincial and territorial officials, led by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
(HRSDC) between 1997 and 1999 (Hatfield 2002; Michaud, Cotton and Bishop 2004). During 2009 and early 2010, it underwent a comprehensive review of both content and methodology (Hatfield, Pyper and Gustajtis 2010). The consultation process, led by HRSDC, involved officials from provincial and territorial governments, other federal government departments and agencies, including Statistics Canada, and a panel of experts in low-income measurement. This review process led to a rebased series of thresholds (MBM, 2008 base), revised historically to 2000, the beginning of the MBM time series. Among the changes to the MBM resulting from the comprehensive review was the revision of the shelter component to include the costs of homeowners without mortgages. This revision recognized that, in a given year, homeowners without mortgages may pay less for shelter than they would if they were renting.
During 2012, HRSDC officials re-examined the methodology for including homeowners without mortgages in order to better implement the conceptual decision to reflect these costs in the MBM. Following this re-examination, a revised methodology was adopted that adjusts the MBM disposable income of homeowners without mortgages to account for the potential differences in their shelter-related expenses.
The NHS uses this 2012-based MBM.
While HRSDC was responsible for defining the components of the basket, Statistics Canada collects the data on the cost of goods and services in the basket to calculate thresholds and
produce low-income statistics.
See also Prevalence of low income, Income status, Low-income gap and Severity of low income.
Refer to the data quality notes in the Income Reference Guide, National Household Survey, 2011.
Table 3.5 Market Basket Measure (MBM) thresholds for economic families and persons not in economic families, 2010
MBM region |
Persons not in economic families |
Economic family size1 |
2 persons |
3 persons |
4 persons |
5 persons |
Newfoundland and Labrador |
Rural areas |
17,577 |
24,857 |
30,443 |
35,153 |
39,302 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
17,827 |
25,211 |
30,877 |
35,654 |
39,862 |
St. John's (CMA) |
17,005 |
24,049 |
29,454 |
34,010 |
38,024 |
Prince Edward Island |
Rural areas |
17,082 |
24,157 |
29,586 |
34,163 |
38,195 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
17,478 |
24,718 |
30,273 |
34,956 |
39,082 |
Charlottetown (CA) |
16,858 |
23,841 |
29,199 |
33,716 |
37,696 |
Nova Scotia |
Rural areas |
17,561 |
24,835 |
30,417 |
35,122 |
39,268 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
17,647 |
24,956 |
30,565 |
35,293 |
39,459 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
16,775 |
23,723 |
29,054 |
33,549 |
37,509 |
Halifax (CMA) |
17,288 |
24,448 |
29,943 |
34,575 |
38,656 |
Cape Breton (CA) |
16,325 |
23,087 |
28,276 |
32,650 |
36,504 |
New Brunswick |
Rural areas |
17,223 |
24,357 |
29,831 |
34,446 |
38,512 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
17,494 |
24,740 |
30,300 |
34,988 |
39,118 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
17,220 |
24,352 |
29,825 |
34,439 |
38,504 |
Fredericton (CA) |
17,419 |
24,634 |
30,171 |
34,838 |
38,950 |
Saint John (CMA) |
16,347 |
23,118 |
28,314 |
32,694 |
36,553 |
Moncton (CMA) |
16,364 |
23,141 |
28,342 |
32,727 |
36,590 |
Quebec |
Rural areas |
15,437 |
21,831 |
26,738 |
30,874 |
34,518 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
15,479 |
21,890 |
26,810 |
30,957 |
34,611 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
14,641 |
20,706 |
25,359 |
29,282 |
32,738 |
Large urban population centres with a population between 100,000 and 499,999 persons |
15,027 |
21,251 |
26,027 |
30,053 |
33,600 |
Québec (CMA) |
15,280 |
21,608 |
26,465 |
30,559 |
34,166 |
Montréal (CMA) |
15,794 |
22,336 |
27,356 |
31,588 |
35,316 |
Ontario |
Rural areas |
16,405 |
23,200 |
28,414 |
32,810 |
36,683 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
16,309 |
23,064 |
28,248 |
32,618 |
36,468 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
15,201 |
21,497 |
26,329 |
30,402 |
33,990 |
Large urban population centres with a population between 100,000 and 499,999 persons |
16,034 |
22,676 |
27,772 |
32,068 |
35,853 |
Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part) (CMA) |
17,555 |
24,826 |
30,405 |
35,109 |
39,253 |
Hamilton (CMA) |
16,364 |
23,141 |
28,342 |
32,727 |
36,590 |
Toronto (CMA) |
18,431 |
26,065 |
31,923 |
36,861 |
41,212 |
Manitoba |
Rural areas |
15,725 |
22,239 |
27,236 |
31,450 |
35,162 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
16,361 |
23,137 |
28,337 |
32,721 |
36,583 |
Brandon (CA) |
15,360 |
21,722 |
26,603 |
30,719 |
34,345 |
Winnipeg (CMA) |
16,010 |
22,641 |
27,729 |
32,019 |
35,798 |
Saskatchewan |
Rural areas |
16,269 |
23,008 |
28,179 |
32,538 |
36,379 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
16,755 |
23,695 |
29,021 |
33,510 |
37,465 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
15,499 |
21,918 |
26,844 |
30,997 |
34,656 |
Saskatoon (CMA) |
16,531 |
23,378 |
28,632 |
33,061 |
36,963 |
Regina (CMA) |
15,939 |
22,540 |
27,606 |
31,877 |
35,640 |
Alberta |
Rural areas |
17,372 |
24,568 |
30,089 |
34,744 |
38,845 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
18,032 |
25,501 |
31,232 |
36,064 |
40,321 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
17,431 |
24,651 |
30,191 |
34,862 |
38,977 |
Edmonton (CMA) |
17,040 |
24,097 |
29,513 |
34,079 |
38,101 |
Calgary (CMA) |
17,906 |
25,323 |
31,014 |
35,812 |
40,039 |
British Columbia |
Rural areas |
17,311 |
24,481 |
29,983 |
34,621 |
38,707 |
Small population centres with less than 30,000 persons |
17,318 |
24,491 |
29,996 |
34,636 |
38,724 |
Medium population centres with a population between 30,000 and 99,999 persons |
16,287 |
23,033 |
28,210 |
32,574 |
36,419 |
Large urban population centres with a population between 100,000 and 499,999 persons |
17,666 |
24,983 |
30,598 |
35,331 |
39,501 |
Vancouver (CMA) |
18,261 |
25,825 |
31,629 |
36,522 |
40,833 |
Note: The geographic area concepts and the Market Basket Measure (MBM) thresholds were defined by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). This amount corresponds to the cost of a specific basket of goods and services representing a modest, basic standard of living in each of the 49 MBM geographic regions.
1To convert to other family sizes, multiply the amount for persons not in economic families by the square root of the desired family size.
Source: Statistics Canada, Income Statistics Division.