I.First Count Data
A.Printed Reports: An Advance Report of housing data for each State is planned for the fall of 1970. Most 100-percent housing characteristics, drawn from the First Count, would be printed for the State, SMSAs, and places of 10,000 or more, and counties. Complete-count (100 -percent) housing data for Housing, Vol. I, and Census Tract Reports will be drawn from second count tabulations (see II below).
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, CT- 2, First Count Summary Tape.)
1.Geographical segments represented: States, counties, Congressional Districts, minor civil divisions or census county divisions, places, and enumeration districts or blockgroups.
2.Data tabulated: Among the items included are housing units by number of rooms, persons per room, number of units with basement, value of owner occupied units (eight value categories), contract rent (nine rent categories), plumbing facilities, and crowded units by type of household.
II.Second Count Data
A.Printed Reports (Census of Housing, Vol. I, Chapters 2-55; and Census Tract Reports). (See tables 3 and 4.)
1.Geographical areas represented: (1) In Housing: States by urban-rural and SMSA--non-SMSA; SMSAs and component parts, urbanized areas; places of 1,000 and more; and counties; (2) in Census Tract Reports: SMSAS, counties, places of 25,000 or more population, and tracts.
2.Data published: See table 3. The 100-percent items listed in that table are drawn from the Second Count tabulations.
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, CT. 3, Second Count Summary Tape).
1.Geographical areas represented: States, SMSAS, urbanized areas, counties, places, minor civil divisions or census county divisions, and tracts. Also urban-rural designations for states, SMSAs and counties.
2.Data tabulated: Subjects tabulated are the same as for Housing, Vol. I reports. Greater detail is often available. For example, there are 14 cash rent ranges rather than 10 as in the printed reports. Also, tapes include such tabulations as owner-occupied units by household type and race of head for five value ranges, and owner-occupied units by number of rooms and race of head for five value ranges. Most Second Count summary tape items are cross- tabulated by tenure for total and Negro.
III.Third Count Data
A.Printed Reports (Census of Housing, Vol. III, Block Statistics,). (See table 5.)
1.Geographical areas represented: Blocks and tracts within urbanized areas and within other areas that have contracted for block statistics.
2.Data published: See tables 5 which presents the planned outline for tables 1 and 2 of Block reports. Also shown is the outline for the tables which will appear in the reports for the contract block areas.
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, CT-4, Third Count Summary Tape).
1.Geographical areas represented: Blocks and tracts within urbanized areas and within other areas that have contracted for block statistics.
2.Data tabulated: In addition to data items found in printed reports, the block tape includes such data as number of units with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more rooms; total number of rooms in total, and Negro-owned and rented units; number of units with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more persons; and total number of persons in total, and Negro-owned and rented units.
IV.Fourth Count Data
A.Printed Reports (Census of Housing, Vol. I, Chapters 2-55; and Census Tract Reports). (See tables 3 and 4.)
1.Geographical areas represented: (1) In Housing: States by urban-rural nonfarm-rural farm and SMSA--non-SMSA; SMSAs and component parts, urbanized areas; places of 2,500 and more; and counties; (2) In Census Tract Reports: SMSAs, counties, places of 25,000 or more population, and tracts.
2.Data published: See tables 3 and 4. Spanish-American data are presented in a pattern similar to that for Negroes. However, no 5-percent sample data for places 2,500 to 10,000 are given for Spanish-American.
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, CT- 5, Fourth Count Summary Tape).
1.Geographical areas represented: States, SMSAs and component parts, counties, places, minor civil divisions or census county divisions, and tracts. Also urban, rural nonfarm-rural farm designation.
2.Data tabulated: The summary tapes include a number of tabulations not found in the printed reports, such as: gross rent by number of rooms, value of owner-occupied unit by income, and plumbing facilities by household composition and age of head. Most data are tabulated by tenure for total, Negro, and Spanish-American.
V.Fifth Count Data
A.No printed reports will be derived from this file.
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, CT-6, Fifth Count Summary Tape).
1.Geographic areas represented: 5-digit level ZIP areas in SMSAS, and 3-digit level elsewhere.
2.Data tabulated: Tenure and vacancy status, plumbing facilities, gross rent, value of property, telephone available, year structure built, automobiles available, rent-income ratios, and household equipment items.
VI.Sixth Count Data
A.Printed Reports (Census of Housing. Vol. II, Chapters 2-55, Metropolitan Housing).
1.Geographical areas represented: SMSAs, central cities, and places of 50,000 or more.
2.Data published: Cross-tabulations by principal housing and household subjects such as value of property, gross rent, income, plumbing facilities by persons per room, number of rooms, number of units in structure, and size of household.
B.Summary Tapes (see Data Access Description, Sixth Count Summary Tape to be published).
1.Geographical areas represented: SMSAs, central cities, places of 50,000 or more, metropolitan counties, and nonmetropolitan counties of 50,000 or more population.
2.Data tabulated: Extensive cross-tabulations including many three-way cross-tabulations such as household composition by age of head, by year structure built, and by value of property. Most of the data are tabulated by tenure and for Negro and Spanish-American households.