*The Census Bureau must prepare the results of adjustment into data products in the case that the Secretary of Commerce makes the decision to adjust the 1990 census. If we adjust, we will refer in data products to the net number of persons added to or subtracted from each geographic area by adjustment as the “count adjustment” for that area. These table outlines contain data cells for count adjustment in appropriate tables to indicate where count adjustment will appear if adjusted. In general, count adjustment or the characteristics of the count adjustment population in the tables contained in reports or summary tape files are not shown separately. For data distributions that show the count or characteristics of persons we will include the count adjustment population for each distribution without differentiation from the enumerated population. The only exceptions to this rule are in tabulations of persons by household type and relationship where count adjustment is shown as a category of the nonhousehold population and in imputation tables where count adjustment is presented as a category of substitution.