Provides financial support, technical assistance, and training for community-based revitalization efforts.
Nature of Program: NeighborWorks works to create opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in safe, sustainable neighborhoods that are healthy places for families to grow. NeighborWorks seeks to promote reinvestment in urban, suburban and rural communities by local financial institutions working cooperatively with residents and local government. It funds over 240 organizations, monitors their progress, and provides grants and consulting services.
The NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling works with HUD to develop and provide training for housing counselors. NeighborWorks' board of directors is determined by statute and consists of the head of the financial regulatory agencies and HUD, who are presidential appointees subject to Senate confirmation, or their statutorily designated representatives. The Secretary for HUD (or the Secretary's designee) is a member of the NeighborWorks Board of Directors.
Legal Authority: Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1978 Act (42 U.S.C. 8101 et seq.).
Information Sources: Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, doing business as NeighborWorks America, 999 North Capitol St., NE, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20002-4684.
On the Web:
Current Status: Active.