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Social Explorer’s Andrew Beveridge Testifies and the Latest on NY Redistricting

SUNDAY, MAR 11, 2012

The once-a-decade redistricting process is heating up in New York as deadlines approach and the legislature, governor, advocacy groups, public and the federal courts become more involved.  There was a court hearing on Monday on what map looked like.

On Monday, magistrate judge Roanne Mann held a public hearing.  Social Explorer’s Andrew Beveridge testified on behalf of the Center for Law and Social Justice and Newman Ferrara LLP.  Based on decades of demographic experience, including work as a consultant and expert witness in redistricting cases, Beveridge analyzed data from the various plans and the changing demographics of New York.

Since the court hearing, Judge Mann put forth her own plan.  Notably, it includes a new Asian-majority district in Queens, with 39.1 percent of the district.  This district was drawn in response to the major population changes in the area (where over 500,000 Asians reside) and around the city (32 percent growth).

New York 1 produced a story on this proposed district, and included an interview with Beveridge.

For more on the latest New York State redistricting news, check out the New York Times series Unmapped.

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