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Where do Most Americans have Private Health Insurance?

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021

Here’s an argument for employment with the federal government: Health insurance. Half of the nation’s 10 counties with the highest rates of privately insured people live in counties that are known for having large numbers of federal employees and contractors. Almost 68 percent of Americans have private insurance of differing degrees of quality, but they’re most heavily concentrated around the nation’s capital.

Falls Church City, Va., less than 10 miles from the White House, claims 92.7 percent of its residents have private health insurance – the highest percentage in the nation, according to a Social Explorer analysis of 2015-19 American Community Survey data. It’s followed by Los Alamos County, N.M., the home of a national laboratory that helped develop the atomic bomb (91.4 percent); and Daggett County, Utah, a Salt Lake City suburb (91.4 percent). Arlington and Loudoun County, Va., were tied for fifth in the rankings (88.5 percent). Explore the rates of privately insured Americans in your county with Social Explorer’s award-winning, customizable mapping and reporting tools.


Percentage of Privately Insured Americans, 2019. Click here to explore further.

Author: Frank Bass

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