ACS (1-Year Estimates)

U.S. Census Bureau

The ACS 1-Year Estimates are a vital component of the American Community Survey (ACS), a continuous survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. These estimates offer a detailed and timely snapshot of demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics for geographic areas with populations exceeding 65,000 residents. This threshold ensures that the 1-Year Estimates provide insights into larger communities, such as cities, counties, and metropolitan areas, where data on a more frequent basis is crucial.

Unlike the decennial census, which occurs every ten years, the ACS 1-Year Estimates are updated every year. This frequency is particularly valuable in capturing the dynamic nature of larger communities, allowing for the analysis of trends and changes over shorter periods. Decision-makers in government, businesses, and community organizations can leverage this information to make informed choices and respond proactively to evolving needs.

The data provided by the 1-Year Estimates encompasses a wide range of topics, including population size and growth, age distribution, race and ethnicity, education levels, income and poverty rates, employment status, housing occupancy and costs, and much more. The ACS 1-Year Estimates provide the data essential for government policy, resource allocation, business decisions, and community planning. Government agencies rely on them to allocate resources effectively, plan infrastructure projects, and develop policies that address the specific needs of their communities. Businesses utilize the data to understand consumer markets, identify potential locations for expansion, and tailor their products and services. Community organizations and planners leverage the 1-Year Estimates to identify areas of need, develop targeted programs, and advocate for their constituents.

U.S. Census Bureau
Time Period
Supported Geographies
Census Block Group
Census Place
Census Tract
Congressional District
County Subdivision
Elementary School District (ELDS)
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA)
Secondary School District (SCSD)
State Legislative Districts Lower Chamber (SLDL)
State Legislative Districts Upper Chamber (SLDU)
Unified School District (UNSD)
ZCTA5 (5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area)
Data Dictionary Entry
ACS (1-Year Estimates)

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