There’s a new U.S. capital of Italian-Americans, and it’s not in Manhattan’s Little Italy

June 1, 2020
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There’s a new U.S. capital of Italian-Americans, and it’s not in Manhattan’s Little Italy or the Bronx’s Arthur Avenue. Close, though: Seven of the 10 Census tracts with the greatest percentage of people claiming Italian ancestry are located in Richmond County, N.Y. – otherwise known as Staten Island.

People who are familiar with the city might know that the Corleone compound in “The Godfather” movies was filmed at a Staten Island location. But most people who don’t live in the city are unaware that many of the Italian-Americans who currently live in Staten Island are first- or second-generation immigrants – from Brooklyn, which wasn’t connected to the island until 1964.Discover your neighborhood’s Italian roots with Social Explorer’s mapping tools.

Italian-American Population in the United States.